
We now live in a "post-truth" era, where we're just as interested...

Should life on earth be outlawed for being too outrageous?

Vaccine safety assurance form

We are immersed enough in a chemical cocktail...

Has free speech become a partisan issue?

Rationality and the law of sunk cost

American health activists have been denied entry to Australia...

Health statistics seem to show a bleak picture...

Politicians say they only want to help the people, not control them...

Three step political campaign

Laws and tyranny

The dark side of the force sells its program under the banners security and prosperity...

Total "safety" = total government = total tyranny

Basic vaccine lies in the world of fake news

How to shift a crap product

An enlightened society is one that honors the freedom...

The vaccine issue drove my family apart - KATHLEEN SULLIVAN

He belonged to that old fashioned "anti-science" group who believe...

I think the free market unleashes people's talents...

I'm all for a person deciding their own life...

Freedom and government funded health care

It's time kids got the respect they deserve

Recent vaccine history - MEGHAN ROSE

The elements of modern medicine I like

Much of life is open to interpretation...

RAW MILK: What if, under the guise of making food "safe"...

Mandatory anything is a bad idea, even schooling

More and more invasive medical procedures are being pushed onto people...

Is male circumcision an act of ignorance, wisdom, neither, or...

"The Curse of the Third Turgle" is in production

Life in this reality is very limited compared with life...

Reality reveals itself through the senses...

Trees are worth their weight in gold...

The society with the greatest fighting power and largest numbers...

Scientific testing of products

Chemical products are scientific, whereas natural products...

If what the "conspiracy theorists" say is true about a population cull...

Weaning people from the teat of corporate-government propaganda...

I am the creator in my world

Thinking is hard, so most people...

Some minorities are lionised whilst others...

As the guardian of a child you ensure no harm comes to it...

How far will biological interference go?

If science says it doesn't work...

Many things are phonies, fakes and frauds...

How traps are set to procure souls

Freedom v tyranny in America

Any medical procedure that involves risk...

Some people are clinically dead.

To me a fanatic is someone who forces things...

The source of infectious danger in the classroom...

If secret government programs are afoot to poison...

It's true that we often take things for granted...

Faith in vaccines is more about faith in institutions than it is...

Some people think authority comes from institutions, while others think...

Some people think they’re up against ignorance, while others...

Targeting "scientific materialism" rather than religion

Questions to ask your doctor about infant vaccination - JASON CHRISTOFF

The importance of researching vaccines before becoming a parent

The message I got growing up with Bowie and Hendricks...

When a system becomes corrupt brave truth tellers emerge

God does not like seeing his children fight

Some people literally climb the walls...

Why our beliefs differ

Forcing people to receive unwanted medical treatments...

Has humanity been detuned?

Do people get what they deserve?

Frame this and put it above your fireplace.

The more humans mess with natural systems....

People label themselves to feel special...

Vaccines, brain damage and autism

Anyone who takes an anti-establishment stance and is having a real impact...

Who didn't realise the War on Terror was fake?

A terrorist act is when someone invades your space...

People who realise big visions are treated as gods...

John McDonald's "Message of a Master" is the only book...

I like the free market because it harnesses people's drive and creativity...

The deceiving of the public by the overlords

Everyday, we give our power away

Vaccination rates are low among free thinkers...

Doctors are safe for adults, but not for children

Building natural and man-made capital...

Is there someone inside a tree?

Once you have total self-confidence, you can't be ruled...

The imposition of government policy

Some people greatly value "rationality", but sadly...

If it doesn't make you feel good...

The use of chemicals to artificially stimulate life

Why the free market is better than communism

Doctors are consultants, they're not there...

Beware of "do-gooders", who push for interventions...

By dismissing anything not materialistic or mechanical as "woo"...

I don’t care if my opinions are popular or unpopular, all that matters...

Hippies are an easy target politically, because...

When everybody leaves everybody else alone to live their life unmolested...

The poison model of medicine

Actuality reveals itself through the senses...

An insider is someone who knows...

The Australian government is like middle management...

The Roman Council has been given the gift, by the grace of God,

We need to question the advice of experts

It seems silly to give up religion, only to embrace...

Once you have gained redemption through Christ...

It's understandable that Atheists would seek a technological afterlife...

One man's medicine is another man's poison, which is why...

Displaying party affiliation was very important...

I got hold of too many post-rock albums, and now...

Lies in the media

I might be wrong...

Vaccine use and children's rights

Misplaced faith in institutions

Who are the dangerous elitists?

Do only the Sith deal in absolutes?

Does science need its own Pope?

Why I prefer not to rely on research results

Does God delegate?

On certain issues there is no point petitioning the government

Stimulating v. harassing the immune system

Believe what other people believe, and do what other people do...

Shapers of public opinion rarely care if what they say is right or wrong...

Spiking it to the establishment

I expect Rockefeller medicine to die within 20 years

Government is best at a local level

Beware the tyrannical creep

What is self-responsibility?

The awareness of horrors and untold destruction...

The human race is currently very noisy, but I expect it to quieten down...