
Pointing out how the power elite get the common people to fulfill their agenda does not make one a "conspiracy theorist"!

Everything is catch22, in devil's games.

What Lemuria was for human beings, the Cambrian period was for sea creatures!

We won't fight them on the beaches, in the streets, or in our living rooms...

I have embraced the electronic age

If there is a mover, rather than simply a reactor, then scientific materialism is false!

Reality is pie in the sky, and I don't believe it!

"Not A Robot" disorder is clearly on the rise...

Anyone who thinks vaccines are being pushed so heavily is because of science is due for an awakening!

People mistake their interpretations of reality for reality, itself.

The law of attraction works primarily through the feelings

Some branches of Science are trusted because they deliver results that cannot be doubted

What are the odds of the first manned mission to the moon succeeding, so flawlessly?

To save time and money the Russians only went to the moon in theory...

Science is so often just a stab in the dark, not rules to live your life by!

Everyone is vulnerable... physically, emotionally, and financially!

Think tanks may be better off becoming meme factories instead...

Dying for a good cause is noble, but we shouldn't be careless about it!

People who only read or listen to find fault will gain little from all they hear!

Cult science, cult psychology

Who should police wrongthought, if not I?

To sell an unnecessary product the consumers emotions must be aroused

There is a common thread joining space travel, plant growth, and the life of the soul

We bumble along, with our face to the sun

False desires are planted by the tv and sold by governments, too!

Nobody can show that vaccines are necessary, because they aren't, although they may attempt to show...

We obey commands when we're a kid, because we have to, but once we're an adult...

A person is either capable of thinking critically and independently of social conditioning, or they are not...

The public are told simple stories to encourage them to vaccinate, but needless to say...

100% of "experts" can be wrong, if they're all fed the same false information!

Governments include providing useful services mixed in with sometimes tyrannical efforts at control!

I think it's a mistake to judge all existence based on what happens on earth...

What proportion of the population are critical thinkers, able to think independently of their (would-be) masters?

Anyone who questions the integrity of the institutions is a conspiracy theorist. Humans are perfect...

A germ requires favourable conditions to grow

There's no point being a researcher, if you can't come to the right conclusions...

Why not get premium? You could be dead in a year!

People get excited about conclusions drawn from statistical analyses, but what if the underlying (raw) data is bad...

Many people's beliefs are based on the notion that many people cannot be fooled at once...

The best organisations focus on creating opportunities, rather than placing unwanted demands on people

Going against the apparatchiks is not the same as disregarding an expert

Total commitment means come what may.

If you were a billionaire what would you do?

People in all fields of endeavour should attempt to communicate their findings to the public!

Why do people get excited by a philosophy that leads them to believe life is meaningless and random?

Some people put first-hand experience at the top of reliability...

I've been angering science fanboys on the internet since 1994.

Does all truth come from peer reviewed science papers, or can reliable knowledge be gained from elsewhere?

In the modern day if you go against the establishment you are immoral and anti-science, whereas in the past, when religion ruled...

There is no need to submit to science, only to religion

Life on earth is like diving underwater with a tank... You know that after a while...

I saw the devil on a YouTube video... He was a science populariser!

Everyone's eventual death is almost certain

When it comes to instrumental rock, Do Make Say Think and Tortoise...

"You've got to make it happen"... unless someone else does it for you!

Pain can come while being birthed into a new world, but it doesn't have to!

In God's kingdom there is no such thing as goodbye, just...

The biggest enemy of truth and enlightenment is probably the evening news!

People who are OK with killing and torturing animals in the name of science say "it's either us or them"...

Does a body betray its owner? It sure seems to...

In a confidence game, a whiff of doubt, and it's all over!

I read many years ago that our bodies tend to get "clogged up" on a "civilised" diet...

If a renegade is successful, they are courted and then folded into the establishment...


I consider myself a conservative, health-wise, and try to stay as close to nature as is practical...

If we wish to truly understand a field of knowledge we must discover what is actually known, as opposed to what is widely believed to be known.

Every once in a while it's good to press "reset" and let all the inner momentums die away.

When a handful of oligarchs can control the government, where is democracy?

Give to God What is God's (spirit) and give to Caesar what is Caesars (body)

There's a big difference between believing in science and believing in government agencies...

We are either flesh beings or spirit beings working through flesh bodies

What you see on earth is the natural outcome of an intelligent, grasping species...

Farming, mercury and autism - CAROL GARNIER DUTRA

Beyond the constructions that entrance us, how does it feel...

"I'm just a kid in a room puffing on a straw."


Being free doesn't mean having no responsibilities, it means being free to honor them...

It's the people who don't know any "authority" personally, that put them on a pedestal!

Everybody does science when they change one thing in their life...

Some are comfortable being dictated to, and some are not.

Full accounting is said to occur in the next life, but perhaps credits earnt...

There are very few Lords of Darkness, but many more tools of darkness, sadly!

People may ask: "can form exist without consciousness?", but the question is mute, because without consciousness...

You're either enjoying yourself, or marking off time until you die!

Life is not a competition, when we manifest a conscious state, it only makes that state more reachable by others!

Gods on earth

Although I may believe in the "science" of bungee jumping... I have no desire to do so!

Being a caretaker doesn't mean being in command of someone's life, but rather...

I try to keep my tone moderate and even, particularly when discussing controversial subjects!

If there's uniformity of reporting, it either means: (1) the reports are based on the same source material, or...

Are drugs a lure to be avoided, or an experience to be tasted? STEVE KILBEY speaks. (VIDEO)

Beware the corporate-media-government bubble! They don't tell the truth... And they don't have your best interests at heart!

All my political activism is based on the notion of a fair go. Something that Australia is supposed to be based upon.

People seem so certain about things they know nothing about...

The bigger the smear job of critics, the bigger the con!

Immunologists don't know what's in a vaccine.... You'd have to ask the plant manager for that!

Never overstep the mark, it will backfire on you...

Does the internet, with it's uncontrollable access to varied sources of information, spell the end of the vaccine industry?

A simple realisation pro-vaxxers need to make

Some people rule vaccines under "scam" but that doesn't stop other people...

A person isn't truly civilized unless they are sensitive to the needs of others!

The general rule seems to be that fruit and vegetables are cleansing, while other foods are congesting

Apparently it's OK to take drugs to treat sickness, but it's not OK to have them for fun... Old fuddy duddies, much?

I believe in the science of fruitcake, so I eat it, liberally!

It's true vaccinology is a science, but that says nothing about whether you should receive any given vaccine or not.

You've just gotta believe in life... What's the alternative? Nihilism?

If the council of 4 agree then it's probably true, but who exactly is on the council of 4?

Demanding choice does not make one a fanatic!

Some would consider me, and those who think like me, to be enemies of 200 years of enlightenment...

We put numbers on things and then think it's real!

A person can avoid being factually contentious, but still be politically controversial