
There are no thought forms out there you need to adopt...

Many say the world is run out of London

The countries that offer freedom to the inhabitants

People will fight to the death for an idea...

Lest we forget: Stanlisov Petrov

The return of Apeman

What some see as good government, others see...

Are storms a sign of (1) god's wrath...

Many believe our society is the first one...

All worldly institutions bow down before Money

For lies to take hold it can take years...

The good and bad of western medicine

Health freedom is a human right

In California it was simple to bankroll a pro-vaxx candidate...

In scientific testing we try to hold...

To say anything at any time requires an audacity...

Opinions are being shaped unscrupulously, by people with...

Routine has its place, but we can be...

They knew and did nothing... So the karma...

He gave all the right answers to all the wrong...

“Everyone was sick and now they’re not! Polio!”

I like to thank the trees as I walk pass them for their efforts...

An animal left to its own devices will seek out a quiet, sheltered spot...

It’s no good getting laid and getting paid...

My job isn’t to convince people that vaccines are good or bad...

Are governments immoral because they use the threat of force...

Collusion doesn’t even require communication, it just requires...

The people who seek to concentrate more political power in fewer hands...

Is it possible a secret society has been ruling the world...

Because Boards of Canada are making music I like...

Because of peer reviewed papers we know vaccination is not voodoo...

Fuck yer science... I'll believe it...

If you base your case on evidence, when the evidence falls...

Pure chaos in uncreative, it takes an attractive principle...

Pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers are never going to agree, which is why...

The best areas to cultive and to leave alone

Cults are fine, as long as...

Science explores the "outsideness" of things...

Childhood vaccines and vestigal Christian beliefs

Mankind runs into trouble because his technical prowess...

Is life intentionally complexified so we turn to...

If Science isn't captive to industry...

Bedtime is closer than tomorrow!

They say the devil's in the details, but the devil...

Most things are running out, and many things are already...

Many mistake common belief for truth

Don't get involved in other people's squabbles!

I thought the Illuminati were letting out a highly disruptive sound...

Should you destroy one life to save ten?

A pleasant emotional tone and intellectual stimulation...

Everything you say rings throughout eternity...

Poor science is used to sell products we don't need...

The takeover of medicine last century - UNKNOWN AUTHOR

Some people think every person is a role played by god, also known as...

Busy people don't get much time to think.

Imposed routines are against my religion...

As a living being, we need to avoid being caught up in a manmade...

Everybody's selling something (BUYER BEWARE)

Is a free market in all drugs the right answer? Or do we...

Even a "good" person will be "bad"...

Is voting a way to pacify the population, by giving them...

The Liberal and Labor party are as "Illuminati" as each other...

Propaganda can be so multi-layered and all pervasive...

Should we be getting excited about heaven?

Star Trek is full of miracles described as "technology", whereas Star Wars...

I would like to be rude and obnoxious...

The free market shouldn't be treated as a God, but...

Rather than disintegrate we can reintegrate...

The questions a fearful establishment doesn't want you to ask...

Is the Russian collusion story a distraction and smear tactic?

Authorities are placed in position to support a system...

Jumping on the science bandwagon- some unscrupulous dealers

DMT and Ketamine give some people the impression they are interacting with,

In the food and medical industries science is made to serve...

The push for greater institutionalisation of kids...

A quote on vaccine contaminants

The ability to make the absolutely deadly look innocent...

Do the power elite engage in population control...

Many atheists have been co-opted for the New World Order...

This is a war, we are soldiers and our words...

Letting go and “trusting the force”

Illuminati power structures

I fought hard for England, or whatever.

To describe the body as "clever" is hardly scratching the surface...

How much effort does it take to act naturally?

Just the girl you want?

Experts may be more brainwashed than most.

"Mooshy mooshy" is actually a Japanese form...

Drug survey - HAVE YOUR SAY!

If you can't directly experience a drug...

I don't know a goddamned thing...

We shouldn't make the mistake of turning our preferences...

If you went through life beaming positive energy...

About expectations

Why worry?

50% is a con to brainwash people and 50%...

You can search the world for love...

Did the Philadelphia experiment really happen?

Anyone could be anywhere, at anytime...

If people are looking for life to be fair, in common terms...

Aerial craft have to overcome the twin challenges of...

Faith in medicine

Understanding trance formation is understanding...

If you treat life as a sitcom rather than...

Medicines are either nutritive, neutral, or...

Holding yourself responsible for someone else's health condition is a little odd unless...

You don't have to agree on everything to be neighbourly...

Do drugs take people to fake heavens...

Are we getting deceived into poisoning and traumatizing our kids...

The point in life isn’t to know everything but to know enough...

The problem with any stimulant use is that eventually...

I'm not anti-military, not when people sign up for it

Universal government concern

All powerful political groups mix truth with façade...

Theres no such thing as objectivity, even robots...

If you are not a contradiction your not a...

Products whose success is not easily measured..

People who don't fear disease shouldn't be forced to receive...

Are humans machines? Or do we have a soul?

The more violent, unnatural acts you see as unnecessary, the better!

Humans see violence as a necessity, often a virtue...

How many areas of our lives should we let the technocracy run?

For a society to be corrupt and based on...

We are taught to do the bad thing...

Humour, not bitterness, will win the war!

Everything is being lost all of the time.

Mistakes make some people incredibly angry!

Being a doofus is not against the law!

Fargut Mentallium.

Winner of the worst man alive award...

The mind is free☺, and it's OK to block people.

The benefits of the afterlife