
What he meant to say was "stop being a whiny bitch", problem was...

Jesus stood up for the lepers...

People who see themselves as an instrument of God's wrath...

There are some people that believe everything you do is wrong...

God is pro- choice on vaccines, as He is...

Any land that is taken by force leaves a karmic stain...

There is a very powerful democratic resistance movement...

Were the Native Americans intentionally given disease...

Person A: "You must receive this thing against your will because 'Science'".

The sham that is democracy

The tyrannical goal of the ruling powers and how to resist

If the aim of life is satisfaction of the self, and not satisfaction of the power elite...

Comment on fluoride in the water

It's ok to sit back and watch as the herd...

Government: If you do as we command, you will receive your share...

Australia's new "vaccine law" shows just how fickle...

When it comes to government programs, it's hard to know...

Pro-establishment folk think they are part of a team of “rational folk”, not realising...

I would prefer to see vaccination destroyed as an idea, than forced on people, although...

Is compulsory schooling keeping kids in an infantile state?

United Nations Agenda 21 by Unknown

Which pro-vaxxers are the most dangerous?

The government is God's representative...

People think if the majority supports their position...

We have the mainstream media to thank for Alex Jones...

When a creeping tyranny occurs, whether it be scientific, religious, ...

Pro-vaxxer logic

The truth - who gets to decide?

The problem never was science, which, after all is just an idea...

One would prefer not to offend anybody...

George Bush's behavior on 9/11

A sample of the spectrum of opinions on vaccine policy...

Camo mat using new space age technology

The population on earth, taken en masse ...

Perspective changes everything and we have the right...

The vaccine issue is not about science, it’s about free will

The Truth About the Rockefeller Drug Empire: The Drug Story

I've only violently attacked two people in my life

Science tends to look at plants as...

Some people are very nosy about other people's affairs...

Maybe fluoride helps kids teeth...

If someone is paid to promote a viewpoint...

I have no desire to go onto webpages of people who don't believe...

I don't care about vaccines, per se, I care about governments forcing injections...

Holes in the logic of herd immunity and mass vaccination

Governments like to see themselves as arbiters of truth, a role that are uniquely...

We are never going to see eye to eye with people who place great faith in things...

It’s against the law to be free and self-determining as a child...

My view on guns

If religion was in control of our societies...

I do believe business forms unhealthy alliances with government...

Evolution, social organisation and experience

I don't think it's wise to make assumptions about what happens after death...

The public space is full of PR

Sometimes you are part of a minority the government wants to destroy...

Either the "New World Order" will fall over or it won't...

"Consciousness creates form...

How well does western man understand his spiritual and emotional nature?

A large chunk of my time is spent listening to instrumental music...

Give the body its needs promptly...

How to be your own doctor

The trojan horse illustrates the danger of being...

Plausible deniability is all we need...

Relax, don't worry so much, and try to focus on something...

A large chunk of my time is spent listening to instrumental music...

Which parts of reality should be faced?

Sadness is a vibration as is happiness

When the herd is being well led, having a herd mentality...

Some people are here to create...

So much of what others call "science", "truth", or even "morality"...

People have become so skeptical...

The more conditioned people are by the "guff machine" (mainstream media)...

The sellers of guff teach victimhood...

The flawed science of medicine- Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis

Forcing vaccines on the public would only be moral if:

The social life of trees - PETER WOHLLEBEN

The vaccine fight is the fight for freedom

Have the rights of non-vaccinating parents been infringed in Australia?

The spirit of the times is for enhanced freedom!

I would prefer to take no position on any political matter...

It's easy to be manipulated when we don't know...

The general rule with food and medicine