
We can analyse something for 20 years, or just realise the truth of it, and move on.

It's interesting to see how the establishment mobilises to suppress groups that threaten its monopoly...

Although the information age has had some teething problems, I believe the democratisation of knowledge...

The difference between a small and big person, character wise...

Rising chronic health issues in children has many believing...

To conduct an accurate and meaningful cost-benefit analysis you need all the numbers...

We set things up to fail when we turn them into religions.

People who base their decisions on dubious numbers, rather than what they know is right...

My goal is to lead a healthy life, but not necessarily a long life, for it is quality of life......

The only people that a free flow of information threatens are tyrants and members of secret societies.

The idea that all knowledge comes from science is as ignorant as thinking all wisdom comes from the Bible...

Politically speaking, being "weak on vaccines" means going along with the NWO "poisoning" agenda...

"Rearview Mirror" live by Pearl Jam

When you're young you want those heavy guitars, but when you're older...

When oversight is good, outcomes are good, but when it is poor...

When you live the same way long enough you are no longer in denial...

Totalitarian forces and warriors for freedom clash every day.

Don't confuse what is apparent with what is real.

What happens when the solution becomes the problem?

We can't force people to believe things we think would benefit them.

We have the right to encourage people, but not to force them.

There are keys to the truths of life everywhere, but particularly in places...

Our interests should determine our learning direction, not the opinion of some distant bureaucrat!

Deception is possible when we are unable to read the energy or motive behind the expression.

When the most important truths are deemed "delusions", where does that leave us as a society?

In many debates people want you to take sides, but what if you are more interested in the gathering of information...

If an international crime group had taken control of our government would we know it?

Science and exploration are about the expansion of our knowledge and understanding...

If something sinister was going on, we'd know about it!

Anyone who wishes to source a powerfully active drug will need to...

To be truly "anti-science" means to be against the spirit of free enquiry...

Anyone who signs up to a prefab philosophy is not a free thinker!

The simpler the premises of a religion, the better. I'm no fan of...

People are trained to think Putin, Trump and Assange are the enemies...

We need to be able to live comfortably with ourselves, and so...

Curing a plant makes it more mellow, and curing a person...

Materialism is based on the idea that plants and animals only appear to be alive...

Science isn't necessarily self-correcting, it depends upon the integrity...

Applying a linear ruler to a multi-dimensional universe...

Either entities exist, maneuvering the forms we see around, or...

When planning our life we need to ask: where do we want to be, what do we want to do, and...

Life on earth is not the only game that life can play...

Collectivists seem to buy into shared social delusions more easily...

It doesn't matter how intelligent someone supposedly is, if they don't go beyond the conditioning of their society...

Mentally strong people self-rule, they don't look to others...

The darkness mimics the light, just as the artificial often mimics the natural...

The non-vaxxers are no threat, it's the contagiously ill we need to avoid...

Science can't make decisions for us, it can only provide information...

People without philosophy are blown about by the fashions of the time.

"The truth is a secret", I say. To which you reply:"What truth?"...

It's not about numbers, it's about what helps the body...

All things will be done in time.

Intervention against nature leads to more interventions in the future.

Every day is another opportunity to spread good cheer.

The folding phone is here. Get amongst it.

If we bow down before the brainwashed hordes, it shows we're as weak as they are!

How intelligent we all are, when we agree to believe everything we're told, without question

Robert F. Kennedy Jr sues vaccine makers

It is what it isn't.

We know that 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom makes "water", but we don't know why!

Julian Assange should be pursued relentlessly, to save his immortal soul.

The truth about mercury in vaccines - CHRIS KIRCKOF

The art of allowing other people to be wrong.

Realities other than this one seem like magic to our mind...

Sad glory. Triumph over tragedy.

There's no need for something to be legalised when it's freely available on the black market

I refuse to repeat something that is popularly believed, but which I think...

We need to find our natural rhythms and work with them...

It's possible to see the "semi-physicals" under certain conditions, but it's hard...

Everyone comes through the illuminati system, but in the end...

No-one who trusts their ability to decide wants the government to make personal decisions for them...

Being taken seriously in social debate

Labels are there to be employed by people who like them, and ignored...

It's best be careful about destroying a person's reputation...

All current data comes through the senses, and that includes...

There is a fine line between having a strong movement with a powerful leader...

Anything unnatural can be safely avoided, as all we need to survive and live happily is free given by the natural world...

There's no need to white wash a good product, only crap products receive a white wash!

Success is envisioning something and then manifesting it...

Brute Lee on communication.

The people of science and religion who think there is only one right way...

I don't think any creature is born insensitive but continual abuse...

The spirit world is the next step in human evolution, after our earth life...

Humans are created to be adaptable. For example, although food is a necessity for our continued existence...

The firm belief that everyone receives their just reward...

According to reports the afterlife reality or spirit world, as some call it, has an instant feedback loop...

The nature of life is endless giving, with us able to manage this continual flow.

Take everything, including this, with a grain of salt.

The validity of the religions of the establishment are never questioned...

Vaccine questions - CHRIS KIRCKOF

Blending energies with another person or thing.

Pevastanji Ogleheim.

Everything is power games, including conversations about how everything is power games, and...

The question of motivation and skillful means are separate...

People can be atheists and still serve God, if they serve their fellow man,

Those folks who think the good guys are always in control want global governance...

There is safety and security in regimentation, but if it's excessive...

"This is not a religion, this is a science." Douglas Klaymore, Scientologist.

The interventionists have the numbers to "prove" intervention is the way to go...

Thank you for being unkind.

Don't think everything I say is right.

Everybody thinks their own beliefs are God given, while other people's are put there by...

Earth world is used to steady our consciousness, while spirit world...

Life works on our soul if we let it, but if we're too proud...

Safe and effective measures to promote health are encouraged...

Dogma: things taken from past generations and accepted as fact, without any evidence to prove the case.

The disconnect in the vaccine debate is that one group views vaccines as...

Libertarians can never demand that others come to the same conclusions as themselves...

If people get their beliefs from the TV and mainstream culture, they can't be expected to be taken seriously...

"Systemic bias analyst" is not as sexy as "conspiracy theorist".

Purpose of life: to remain steadfast in the qualities we desire in a human being.

If anyone says "the science is settled", they'd better be intimately familiar with the science...

For safety reasons, many people feel compelled to conform to the society around them...

We are born wanting to trust and wanting to believe...