
Current outdoor kit with camera and tripod

Are human beings being farmed?

No-one who is a member of the NUT* faction...

The road runner says "meep meep" and doesn't worry about...

Once post-modernism is fully implemented in every area of life...

You can't force your beliefs on other people...

If we go to war with one thing...

Living inside a death cult - JASON CHRISTOFF

We are taught from a young age that we have to go through an unwanted experience...

Human belief is: this current life will continue forever...

Is this world sufficient?

Everyone who hates should be encouraged

Some of the greatest powers known to man...

Dude was single for a while, and then he got...

There's nothing wrong with being focused and wanting to do your own thing

Anyone who reflexively obeys authority...

God's approval is no longer sought, it is...

It's always a strange sensation when "the fix is in"...

I have adopted "natural" health practices...

As president you've got to please as many people as you can...

Certain messages are given wide exposure...

Is having God on your side...

Are young children being brain damaged en masse?

Logical argument will never sway a fervent believer...

I try to stick to logic, common sense and widely agreed upon facts...

Reasons why people avoid vaccines:

Anyone who believes in authority and trusts it implicitly can be easily manipulated...

People need to work out who governments truly serve before they have a clue...

People who trust vaccines are people who think good guys are in control, and those who don’t...

We have dominion over our bodies and private spaces...

The injustices of the world cannot be stopped by one man...

Things become politicised when the government gets involved...

It's hard to find things that aren't there, unless you use statistics

Can it be called a home if no-one is in it?

Schools are wasting kids time, unless they are asking for it!

REESHA LEONE - Do your homework on vaccines before promoting them

It's difficult, if not impossible, to tell the difference between a naturally caused heart attack...

One thing that is missing in science, that is primary, is agency...

Most things we believe, we could be wrong about...

A lot of decisions regarding environmental use are made in big cities...

Whatever enhances the economic competitiveness of markets...

Things that aren't politically feasible to bring in...

To understand the behaviour of institutions you need to understand economics...

When large, colluding firms control a market...

The point isn't so much how healthy GMO plants are to consume...

I would tell everyone the best way to defeat "the cabal"...

When the government brings in one tyrannical law, the people targeted by that law...

It's not up to me how other people live their life

I think vaccines should be available to consenting adults, like other...

When evil rules, the good guys will be painted as monsters

Nobody owns the world...

Once you realise governments are bought...

When there's no spirit and no joy in people...

One of the best ways of responding to empty transmitters...

People misunderstand life if they think the main reason for adopting a healthy lifestyle

Technology has become so advanced that people can't tell...

Wind dragon professional

In a world where pure selfishness as a philosophy is attacked at every turn...

Every immoral act must be atoned for,

When 90% of illnesses are diet and lifestyle related, it's a con...

I assume cause and effect, which makes me a radical!

What are the most common laws broken on earth?

We all know coffee is harsh on the body

It's possible to be both a Son of God...

Some things are uncontroversially oversold : drugs, wars, vaccines, government education, etc...

Some religions see all other religions as cults

Some people poison their brain and outsource their thinking

If you are not living the life you dream of, or truly want, it is not...

Wanting to believe is not enough...

Cosmetic ads seem to be saying: cover-up the real you...

"Release the masculine" by Maria Palumbo

Trust in vaccines comes from trust in governments and the ruling classes

Advanced souls are post-Religion and post-Science...

Reading Jane Roberts' Seth books in my 20's...

3 Perceptions of Trump

Governments almost never renounce power...

When you barrack for both teams playing...

Everything you read is programming...

All communications are sales...

The idea of the monolithic, all encompassing "school"...

Systems set up to ostensibly stop terrorists...

Any movement that is needlessly anti-freedom...

Presenting ads is not a sin, but pretending PR is truth...

Everyone will see a judgement on their performance after death...

Summers in Munchen, winters in Stuttgart