
Genes, thoughts and plants

The use of "plausible deniability" gets the sophisticated deceiver home...

Where people go and what people do are matters for them...

There is no right way to approach a complex situation, only different ways yielding different results.

Our initial reaction is often correct but we are talked out of it.

Angricise everybody with liptitude!

The plains Indians had a sacred contract with the buffalo...

The word "objective" implies volitionality, which doesn't apply to the natural world...

Abilities outrank rights. After all, if you have the ability to do something...

Materialism sees minds as separate and housed in bodies, whereas spiritualism...

A product or movement birthed in light can be taken over by darkness...

In the nowness of time every moment is both ancient and wildly futuristic...

There are those who think we should learn from nature and try to emulate it...

Opioids work, cannabis works, the immune system works...

The simple straightforward answer is often right, but passed over for more complex stories...

Things are evenly poised, and calm fills the air.

The world is a struggle for power and influence, but it's not always the moral ones...

Does anything need to be important, at any point?

Heaven is stratified, based on the love vibe we exude!

"What I do and where I go will shock many"

Good people have done things right, And that makes me...

The peak of human culture lies in nonsense poetry.

Being is primarily spaceless, but can reach into space-time...

things can go wrong and horror stories do exist.

safe means unlikely to cause ongoing harm, whereas healthy...

The notion "I'm with science, I harbour no delusion" is one of the biggest delusions there is.

Everyone is free to come to their own conclusions...

Que Sera Sera

Technology that can be used to liberate, can also be used...

Problems- just work on those you can control...

Occasionally I adopt a protocol, but usually in a relaxed way!

There is the real world and the dream world, one created by industry PR machines...

everyone should be on "the disc". but why?

it's just time, it's just stuff, these are just thoughts.

The people who want to believe set the burden of proof very low, and those...

Everything is an opinion, until you can prove it yourself!

there is innocent error, and then there are sinister acts of commission and omission.

There are just 2 things. (1) What you do, and (2)...

when you discover you are just a mad man in a room...

The "super tomorrow people" were not as forward thinking...

What things are sold as, and what they actually are...

I think it's important to thank God, thank the ancestors, and also thank...

Every being expresses themselves individually.

If you resist nothing, You will be opposed by nothing!

The truth can sound outrageous, if it is unfamiliar to us.

The basis for life is the living cell, and we are just a conglomeration...

The problem with the woodwork is you never know...

The ability to dedicate belongs to those with passion!

Motive matters when it comes to...

government is the name given to that organisation that manages the public good.

The subtle senses

"Our products are scientific, therefore you must use them..."

While it is useful to form alliances on matters important to us, it is unwise to see life as a team sport...

Mistakes are said to be the greatest teacher, but if we can learn from other people's mistakes first...

Never offer a piece of advice more than once... Anything else is badgering!

I don't agree with abortion, but nor do I agree with mainlining cocaine, but that doesn't mean...

Madatory products, rigged markets and political corruption

It's bad for the soul when we pretend to know something...

Evil is very good at herding the masses and punishes critical thinkers...

You don't have to believe in a grand conspiracy to realise that not everything the government and media say can be trusted.

The truth seems far fetched when we've been fed lies our whole life

There are architects of belief, believers, and independent thinkers

Rational argument won't win people over when they are emotionally committed to an another view

I don't believe in bullying people into living by my beliefs rather than by their own convictions.

"Government approved" does not equate to "good for you"!

Many people cannot handle the truth, it will sound crazy to them...

"Anti-science" decoded

Ignorance is one thing, but pride in ignorance is quite another!

If there's one quality I can't handle, it's self-satisfied stupidity!

The mainstream media focuses on distraction and misinformation, while the important events often go unreported.

Bad folks force things on people, whereas good folks offer them choices.

Anyone who says the government can't do anything well or keep a secret has forgotten the Manhattan Project...

Human bodies are a very temporary thing...

"Skeptic" = gatekeeper = true believer in the establishment.

It's not immoral or unpatriotic to question the government, although they would have you think it was!

People believe differently, in part because they read and trust different sources of information.

Pain is not a punishment, it's a warning.

Does God punish sinners?

Things "The Party" likes and dislikes.

Insurance moves against a (potentially) corrupt system

People who don't know tend to go along with the herd, and those who do...

A lot of people spend time attacking a label they attach to certain other people...

The mainstream media largely sing from the same hymn sheet, which is one reason why...

Certain poisonous treatments are opposed on principal.

Wealth must be created first in our hearts, and then flowing out into our souls and environment...

I don't take my cues on what's important from government or media...

Clinging blindly to anything with the label "science" attached is no more enlightened...

If you express your views moderately and someone gets angry with you...

There is no perfection or complete knowledge and so it is up to us to do the best we can...

Even playing the long game requires action in real time...

What goes into our body through our mouth and by needle is our choice, because...

When you're confident in your decision, other people's doubts...

Looking at "both" sides of a story does not make you gullible or a "science denier"...

People teach what they are passionate about. Everything else is uninspiring.

Rockefeller didn't invent science or medicine, he just channelled them...

If you can laugh freely and easily... You are not depressed!

Protect the children from mankinds corrupt institutions

Inattention is the danger, and paying attention means asking questions...

Media-government is part of a control grid superimposed...

To understand something you have to become it, labels are not enough!

Rights are granted to us by our government, whereas our abilities...

Polarities seem to be maximised at the moment.

If people fear that learning more about a subject will undermine their comforting beliefs...

On subjects where there is no undeniable truth people tend to believe...

A "maybe" story is not a headline or news at all...

Humans use repelling force-based technology, while ETs use...

Even during a long, drawn out death...

By the age of 13, a child should be working primarily on their passions.

"Some were found on the side of the track, dead..."

If we are only flesh and blood then there is no karmic reckoning.

Spreading bad news unnecessarily is a form of violence.

People who refuse to take responsibly for their lives can fall prey to cynicism.

If someone approaches you with a bad attitude tell them to buzz off...

Keep the facts, drop the attitude.

The more things we question, the more thinking we have to do...

Socially held beliefs are subject to forces so complex, it would be impossible to unravel.