
I don't argue for the existence of things that cannot be proven, although I may have...

Sentiment is not a crime, but we don't wallow there.

A very nice planet has been created for humans to enjoy.

Please the master and get paid and receive a pat on the head...

What people take as truth is often facade or cover story and not...

I'm less interested what side of politics a person is on and more interested in...

The misuse of the term "herd immunity" - UNKNOWN AUTHOR

It's not just commercial outlets that push propaganda, public broadcasters do too.

Since when has group think become de rigueur?

They call it the pull of matter

What you did in this world doesn't count for much in the next...

Earth is where you build spiritual muscle and heaven...

Heaven or the spirit world is where people really come to life.

The movement from the cover story to the truth is the movement from illusion to reality.

The idea that we must rape the earth so humans can have a comfortable existence...

In life there are too many variables to be truly scientific in our behaviour...

When we want to keep a clean record we don't employ hate and violence...

The needs of the body are not the needs of the self...

If you're funny, harmless and pro-status quo there may be a position for you on TV!

The best doctors are skeptical of medicine, as are the best naturopaths.

It's OK to dismiss whole swaths of knowledge as "woo"...

Society is controlled by gatekeepers that quickly punish anyone who steps out of line.

When dissent is unallowed, it's fair to assume we're dealing with a scam!

Are people gaining power from dark spiritual forces...

"I don't care what name you give your path, I care about what the results are."

Many aspects of the dominant culture are unhealthy and best avoided...

The establishment always has the numbers to prove that the establishment's way is the right way!

Life is a process, not a thing!

How this world is governed is not our responsibility; what we emanate from our souls is!

The establishment will always resist substantial change, even if it is necessary.

I see industry protection groups, but not consumer advocates...

When logic and conditioning come into conflict most people stick with the conditioning.

Empty assurances and false equivalencies are what pro-vaccine pages are full of.

Woo v Science. White man's new burden?

Ineffective communicators do not get banned!

TV chatter doesn't determine truth, only perception of it.

I think many of the conspiracies are exaggerated, but collusion is real.

Pop culture is all bought, and that includes people's opinions on vaccines.

Good things can be achieved by diligent people.

The four types of person. 1. The elegant grafter.

Kate William - The history of the antivax movement

"Magic bullet theory" may sometimes be accurate, but how often, really?

Anything the establishment likes is almost certainly bad, and will likely harm your health.

Many ones are going to war with other ones, to further their public career...

It's normal not to have the majority of society believing as you do, but as long as...

Could a mathematical expression ever satisfy the human desire for meaning?

If we got upset with other people's ignorance we would be upset a lot...

A healthy person who sticks to natural protocols shouldn't be held responsible for the use of...

People say they "trust the science", but do they really know where it's coming from?

The US government is not owned by the people, but by corporate alliances at best...

Sanctions are immoral, they harm the common person, not those responsible for the policies that attract them...

What is is. Get over it! 😀

Some products get pushed too hard which makes you sceptical.

If you're in a situation you don't like you need to make plans to get out of it...

"Voodoo" is any action of the mind that effects physical events.

The quickest way to reduce someone's intelligence is to make them afraid...

I don't believe in creating an artificial crisis now, in the hopes it will mitigate any future crisis.

The nature of reality is infinite and yet we can only focus on one situation...

People are made to believe the complicated lie rather than the simple truth.

I don't see much future for concrete, particularly internally, it's too cold...

It's nice to find our little piece of heaven on earth, but...