
Me in the crowd with soosy punks around me

I'm not against so-called SJWs, as long as...

These are changing times, everything is...

Cannabis is better than alcohol and tobacco...

People are worried about the future of the world, but I think...

There's no point punching someone in the gut, when you can...

I don't necessarily stand by anything I said yesterday...

God or Life gives us what we ask for...

When business runs government, and their motive is profit...

You may assume everyone has done their research...

We fought the war so we could have Tories rule over us...

I did nay sign up for your "medicine" cult!

Ian Curtis and Curt Cobain had at least one thing in common...

Who is behind the global push to remove vaccine choice from parents?

Must reincarnations be sequential in time...

Although food availability had risen, its nutritive qualities...

Tyrants win when the people stay silent

Something that cannot be demonstrated, but must be believed...

Much of what passes as truth is second hand story telling...

Give people access but don't make demands of them

We succeed when we listen to our body and we fail...

The test: I failed, I died.

Freedom can be structured

Knowledge moves us away from establishment views

The potential for deception in a cult is great, because the dogma...

Other people's experiences may be interesting or even instructive, but we can't...

Fanatics, to me, are people who wish to override other people's free will...

I think it's good people are confident in vaccines, but if that confidence...

People's good will is used against them by corrupt governments

I don't much care what people are doing of their own free will...

Some people's faith in science seems infinite, but they would say...

Because the universe is seemingly infinite...

I prefer not to use labels to define people...

The answers we get from science...

Demanding everyone live by "science" is a foolish thing to do...

I don't have a health care provider because naturopaths...

Weaponized autism

I manage my own immune system, not some fucking...

Accepting that large swathes of western medicine are a fraud...

How effective would vaccines need to be...

Most adults are no longer immunised against "childhood" diseases

The technocracy cult must be smashed!

If I didn’t collect the data, the data is not solid

What is "the agenda" truthers talk about?

The government-medical complex are always pushing for more, more, more...

In science, our consciousness determines the questions we ask,

Is it wrong to have a picture of another man's wife...

Facebook posts come and go and are largely forgotten about...

Freedom rangers laugh at the norms the power elites try to instill...

The bottom line is: what works best? The natural lifestyle...

If I believed as many people do, I would be...

I would like to see governments help the people and not coerce them...

I prefer not to base my decision making on other people's data, because I don't know...

It's never comfortable being under the command of someone who is...

I think everybody has the ability to become a "god” if they only...

The people who say "there is no evidence to support X belief" are usually...

Interesting questions about vaccination

You know you are dealing with a cult-like belief when...

When enough people repeat the same talking points...

Multiplying laws are a sign of social decay

Does life need to be created, or can it just...

When analysing a market an economist looks at the incentive structure...

The reincarnationists believe that when the soul re-enters a body...

The three positions on the evolution of species are: (1) assisted evolution,

Seek and you will find, knock...

There is a lot of conjecture about the 9/11 attacks, whether it was England...

I wonder if the media and politicians would carry on with a lie even if 80%...

Joey Secanski, aka ...

You think you are getting away with it, until you have...

Public truth is won as a result of a successful public relations campaign

Don't focus on what you don't want to attract

Just the corporatocracy pushing more stuff we don't need

When you expect the afterlife to be better than this life...

Those who believe in the safety and effectiveness of vaccines should use them...

A critical analysis of the flu vaccine - CHRIS KIRCKOF

The purpose and meaning of crop circles - MATTHEW WARD

Those who believe in the rapture

There are some good public programs in Australia

High yield weapons manufacturer

The best way to offend is through the use of...

Some children don't respond well to the stick...

You can give someone a label and lump them in with others...

A respectful exchange is pleasant, but a heated debate...

We are living in the time of the device

If jesus could rule on everything, that would be...

People may say "this is 🔨 time"

What we call "government " is mid-level management...

So many things that are "assumed safe" are anything but...

The Lord often speaketh... But how often do we listen...

Victory has already been achieved,

When you realise the government is largely bought, you trust it...

The power elite (who make the laws) only give up...

It's disgusting how the totalitarian state gets the people on their side...

My view is: don't force medicine onto people and don't contrive reasons...

As a general rule, if you stick to natural things in food and medicine...

Invoking "science" to control people

How the label "science" is used to deceive people

It's important we don't get confused between actual personal power...