
One person's cult ritual is another person's "science "

I don't mind the mainstream pushing garbage, as long as they don't force it on anyone

Hiding the evil inside the good or the appearance of good is an old trick...

When you see a danger you send a warning to others, but what they choose to do with that warning is up to them!

It doesn't matter who speaks out against vaccines, they will be labelled "quacks"...

4 easy ways to create a relaxing environment

Everyone starts off pro-vaccine, because that's what's schooled into us!

When we refer to a claim made by another person, which we haven't validated the truth of to our satisfaction, we use the term "allegedly"!

Many agendas that were once hidden have become bleeding obvious!

Any tool that is commonly used should be of exceptional quality!

We can hunt down and kill every transgressor, or we can just live our own lives!

It's important to become comfortable with tyranny, so we can continue to function in this world!

People who feel vulnerable to disease may wish to consider vaccines, but for the rest of us there's no need!

Some things look like a good idea on the surface, but when you dig a bit deeper...

Governments are not voted for, they're bought, although most people...

The signal cannot be known separate from the receiver

How the dark side drags good people into its game

The price for rebellion is high but the price for conformity is higher still!

Spiritual discernment enables us to tell false authorities from true ones

The evening news is made to appear reasonable and decent, when it is really quite evil...

It's shocking having to live under the rule of immoral, spiritually blind people...

We do what's right, because it's the right thing to do, and we do what's legal...

Knowledge comes from study and wisdom comes from experience

I will never do anything just because other people think I should

These lives are very short. Why fuss and fight?

I see people trying to "secure" the future, but are they truly embracing and trusting in life...

Why you cannot convince some people and shouldn't even try

Doctors: Front men for the pharma cartel, hiding behind a facade of science and respectability!

To be a truly conscious pet owner we need to imagine ourselves in their shoes!

Ignorance I can tolerate, but ignorance combined with arrogance... and I show them the door!

Which has been more successful: the war on drugs, the war on terror or the war on cancer?

Once your money situation is taken care of you can concentrate...

Many people's beliefs about how the world works is way off track, but it helps them sleep at night!

When you understand how the ruling families think, then you'll understand how the world works...

One person’s “conspiracy theory” is another person’s simple logic!

You try to protect children from being poisoned, but it's up to parents to make the right decision!

If you want to hide something harmful from the public, disguise it as something harmless.

Whenever force is applied, negativity is created!

If people wish to act out of ignorance it is their decision, and if people wish to follow false authorities...

Sickness is not an act of God, it is us who are doing something wrong!

Anyone who says trust your doctor on vaccines knows nothing about doctors or vaccines!

People comment on other people's lives, but that is a big mistake!

We are belief making beings, that's how we make sense of reality!

It's wise to take all you hear as simply a story, rather than an absolute truth!

Disease, poverty and vaccines

Never take the advice of an arrogant person, because arrogance is always a sign of ignorance!

To be pro-establishment is to be anti-life and anti-truth!

Discrimination and gaslighting are generally looked down upon, but not in the case...

The human form contains many intersecting bodies, the exact number of which...

I support needed medical treatment, but not medical interference with the young and healthy

Life is adaptable within limits, and each lifeform is suited to a particular environmental niche...

We hope life is more than spinning plates in the air!

Every life that is in our care we must foster.

The materialists have muddy auras and low vibes

Jesus is either a historical or mythical figure, or a combination of both...

Some people see an early death as a punishment, but I think...

Who is Hesu and why is he important?

Self-recrimination is unnecessary... It was just how you were then... You're better now!

The self is always discovering the world, when sense focused...

Some people think the truth can only come out of the Bible, or from science...

Opposition to mandatory vaccination is essential - MATTHEW WARD

If someone calls me a “conspiracy theorist” I don’t mind, I just assume they don’t get out much!

The harder vaccines are pushed, the more people rise up against them...

One man's drug is another man's coca-cola!

What do you say to someone with no interest in philosophy or art?

Death is birth into a much larger world.

As a functioning monad we need to value ourselves enough to say "no"...

People who are hiding a lie show no interest in discovering the truth, instead they do what they can to ensure the truth remains hidden...

We either show unquestioning loyalty to the lie, or we are hated en masse...

Life is about negotiation, not demanding others bend to our will!

Some people are happy with the cover story, while others prefer to dig deeper...

Knowledge is incomplete and motives are not always pure...

I would like to say something good about Coke, but I'm contracted to Pepsi, so...

Philosophical principles guide us, but every situation is unique

If someone offers 3 cows and a goat for your daughter's hand in marriage...

"Kingdom" short video

Nonsense programming can be overridden by reading the works of the great masters

When it comes to unnecessary medical procedures, I put the bar for safety very high indeed!

Before scientific materialism became dominant, "group think" was mostly based around religions and cults.

There's not much point asking the opinion of someone who can't speak freely, because they are owned by others.

It’s very sad when the people say in unison: “all hail the overlords”...

Laws should be based on philosophical principles, not scientific evidence, because evidence can be distorted...

People can't give informed consent if something is being forced on them.

If what you believe comes into conflict with life then you have a problem...

If independent sources say the same thing then it boosts a case, but we must be sure...

An expert is not someone who is only familiar with the whitewash that is used to hide the truth...

A source text is someone describing their own experience... everything else is commentary!

When we admit to ourselves what we do and don't know life will become simpler.

The Nuremberg code requires informed consent with regard to medical procedures, which explains why...

Arrogance leads to blindness, and blindness leads to making terrible mistakes!

The combination of apparent authority and science is too heady a mix for many to reject!

If I thought the world would advance by telling bullshit lies, I would do it!

If somebody demands you submit, you're dealing with a cult or religion, not a science!

"Fossil fuel denialism" is the name given to the denial of the benefits fossil fuels have brought to society...

A good product sells itself, whereas a poor one requires a great deal of marketing!

Statistics can paint a compelling picture, but they can't determine whether we live or die.