Does God punish sinners?

There is no evidence that God punishes sinners. We project human shortcomings onto our idea of God, making Him opinionated and vindictive, a Hitler who destroys his enemies, but there's no reason to believe that.

Instead God "makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust".

He's not like the average human dictator that wants everyone who challenges them dead.

Notions of an eternal hell are manmade to keep dissenters in line.

The idea that a loving God would create such a thing is disgraceful to contemplate and those who believe it are worshipping a false God- a demon, really.

Instead, God or source gives us the greatest gift of all- free will, and provides the laws that enable us to us our free will wisely and be corrected when we go off path and misuse this gift by not creating in love.

Then we suffer and learn to make a different choice.
