A critical analysis of the flu vaccine - CHRIS KIRCKOF

It's flu season!

According to all official health reports, we are now fully in flu season. I remember being taught the seasons, why did my teachers keep the secret 5th season known as the flu a secret from me? It is that time of year when public health officials, physicians pediatricians and pharmacists warn that everyone over 6 months of age should protect themselves and get vaccinated. Most Americans, believing the government’s propaganda about the safety and benefits of the flu vaccine, are joining the inoculation lines without pausing to consider the accuracy and legitimacy of health officials’ and pediatrician claims.

A CBS Investigative Report, published in October 2012, exemplifies the unreliable and perhaps intentionally deceptive misinformation campaign steered by the US government health agencies every flu season. After the CDC refused to honor CBS’s Freedom of Information request to receive flu infection data by individual state, the network undertook an independent investigation across all fifty states to get their infectious disease statistics. The final report contradicts dramatically the CDC’s public relations blitz. For example, in California, among the approximate 13,000 flu-like cases, 86 percent tested negative for any flu strain. In Florida, out of 8,853 cases, 83 percent were negative. In Georgia and Alaska, only 2.4 percent and 1 percent respectively tested positive for flu virus among all reported flu-like cases. If the infection-rate ratios obtained by CBS are accurate, the CDC’s figures are significantly reduced and flu season severity is overstated dramatically.

In an interview with Dr. Thomas Jefferson, coordinator for the Cochrane Vaccine Field in Rome, Italy, he stated that in 2009 he conducted a thorough review of 217 published studies on flu vaccines and found only 5% reliable. In other words, 95% of published flu vaccine studies are flawed and their conclusions should be dismissed. This is not a great surprise; even CDC officials were forced to confess that “influenza vaccines are still among the least effective immunizing agents available, and this seems to be particularly true for elderly recipients.” Dr. Anthony Morris, a distinguished virologist and a former Chief Vaccine Office at the FDA, found “there is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza.’ Dr. Morris stated, “The producers of these vaccines know they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.”

In a more recent 2013 report published in the British Medical Journal, Doshi had this to say about flu vaccinations: “The vaccine may be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed, and the threat of influenza seems to be overstated.” He notes that a study published by an Australian team found that “one in every 110 children under the age of five had convulsions following vaccinations in 2009 for HINI influenza.” Separate independent studies conducted in the UK, Finland and Sweden concur that the flu vaccine directly contributed to the rise in cases of narcolepsy following receipt of GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix vaccine. The conclusion is that the vaccine triggered an immune reaction against the children’s sleep center cells.

What about pregnant women? The CDC’s website states, “if you are pregnant, a flu shot is your best protection against serious illness from the flu. A flu shot can protect pregnant women, their unborn babies and even the baby after birth.” A new study release this past week found a significant correlation between the flu vaccine and spontaneous abortions. http://www.sciencedirect.com/…/article/pii/S0264410X17308666

In 2012, the National Coalition of Organized Women received documents with statistics based upon the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) covering the 2009 and 2010 flu season. The CDC’s own vaccine injury data collection revealed a 4,250% increase in fetal deaths after the flu shot. The VAERS statistics were confirmed later by Dr. Gary Goldman and published in the Human and Environmental Toxicology Journal showing that the HINI swine flu vaccine did in fact cause a 4,250% rise in spontaneous abortions. A study appearing in the journal Vaccine provides a strong warning against administering the flu vaccine to pregnant woman. The study observed a rise in inflammation in pregnant woman that relates directly to preeclampsia and leading to premature births. Commenting upon this study, Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo, wrote this should be expected given the “highly inflammatory, neurotoxic and immunotoxic” ingredients found in flu vaccines.

A list of flu vaccine ingredients includes:

• Ethyl Mercury (thimerosal): a powerful neurotoxin implicated in autism, seizures, mental retardation, dyslexia
• Aluminum compounds: a known neurotoxin that has been associated with brain damage, dementia, Alzheimers and convulsions
• Ammonium Sulfate: commonly used in pesticide preparations and attributed to respiratory toxicity;
• Beta-Propiolactdone: a hazardous chemical associated with lymphomas in animals;
• Formaldehyde: an embalming chemical and known human carcinogen, neurotoxin, and genetic disruptor;
• Monosodium Glutamate: a preservative known to adversely affect learning, behavior and reproduction
• Oxtoxinol-9: a vaginal spermicide;
• Phenol: an immune inhibitor that has been known to be highly toxic to the cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive and respiratory systems and once employed by the Nazis in the concentration camps
• Polysorbate 80: associated with anaphylactic shock and a classified carcinogen in animals

Is there any benefit for senior citizens to receive the flu vaccine? To date, there is in fact no credible data to support the marketing campaign to push flu vaccination upon the elder population. Rather there is strong scientific data to suggest that seniors avoid it all costs. For the 2013 flu season, Fluzone is the preferred vaccine being marketed to seniors. This “high dose” vaccine contains more viral antigens compared to the normal vaccine given to younger adults. The results of Fluzone’s own safety trial documents 7.4% of elderly volunteers experience serious adverse events and 23 persons in the trial died following administration of the vaccine. All total there were 249 serious adverse incidences out of 3,833 participants enrolled in the study. Heart and cardiovascular disease risks increase during natural aging and is a leading cause of death among the elderly. It has recently been discovered in a study published in the International Journal of Medicine that the flu vaccine contributes to cardiovascular inflammation thereby increasing the risk of heart attack. The study found that the flu vaccine induced platelet activity, elevated C Reactive Protein, and reduced heart rate variability—all indicated in adverse cardiovascular events. Alzheimer’s disease is now the sixth leading cause of death in the US and affects over five million people. The disease is growing rapidly and today one in three seniors die from it or another form of dementia at a cost of $203 billion in 2013 and an expected increase to $1.2 trillion by 2050. With the federal health agencies aggressive pursuit to vaccinate senior citizens with the flu vaccine, is there any evidence that over vaccination is contributing to the Alzheimer surge?

Dr. Hugh Fudenburg, a leading immunologist and founding director of Neuro Immuno Therapeutic Research Foundation, is one of the most quoted immnogeneticists of our times, with over 850 papers in peer-reviewed publications. After years of immunological study, he discovered that individuals who had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980, the chances of acquiring Alzheimer’s Disease were ten times or 1000% higher than those who had only one or two vaccinations during that same time period. The reasoning is the accumulate amount of mercury and aluminum in the body after successive annual flu shots.

Author: Chris Kirckof
