
The two opposing camps - earth healers v poisoners of the planet and its people

God doesn't run scientific tests per se, instead He experiences everything directly through us-

We are a three dimensional energy field, around which a fleshly body forms...

Everything I say is true, as far as I'm aware, unless...

Everybody does their best... After all nobody has total knowledge...

"Waking up" involves seeing through the deceptions that surround us

People want to stick their head in the sand and pretend everything is ok, when it's not

Can we live forever in physical bodies, or must Earth vibrations drag us down...

The effect of prayer - MATTHEW WARD

When you lose that which is most precious to you, outside your own soul, fear doesn't really enter the equation after that

The afterlife realm humans go to is called "Nirvana", according to Matthew Ward

Sometimes we need to ask ourselves: are we being taught, or are we being indoctrinated?

It's so pathetic when people accept the lies of the government...

The gardeners were very kind, providing useful plants, of many kinds

The only way beyond painful emotion is through it...

Poisoning children under the guise of healthcare... that sounds like the thinking of a "machine" to me

Government overreach is driving the anti-vaccine movement

Is the human being a happenstance or a planned creation?

Is the only way to ensure our food is safe to grow it ourselves?

Loss brings many questions, and questions bring answers...

When you can't find conclusive evidence of the superiority of one view over another...

It is difficult to believe in that which cannot be seen, but if we see its effects...

Some science is good, and some is the anti-Christ, and it's up to us...

Whoever studies healing, will discover Paracelsus

Chemtrails, true or false?

Someone's death is not meant as a punishment on those living...

The emerald heart of trust and love

We go from an earthly love to a spiritual love

Impulses denied are lives lost

When their is a secret genocide going on, carried out by unseen sources, the problem becomes...

People who live large and love large

Every instance when you are less than loving you will regret during your lifetime...

Heaven is hierarchical, based on the love factor...

Strong coffee puts the body in fight or flight mode, and makes people ...

Cultural hegemony explained - ED RANKIN

The body is just a mechanism, spirit is the driving force

Into God's hands I entrust thy spirit

Branding is not just a marketing buzz word, it's how industries mature...

I'm not necessarily for privatising everything...

The thing about free will is whether you believe in it, or not...

May all beings be happy. May all beings be free!

What organises information and makes decisions? That is where life...

Does materialism lead to determinism, Dan Dennett says no...

If a parent is vaccinating their child, these are just some facts they need to understand - NICK CATONE

Slaves take orders, whereas FREE MEN listen to advice

Oranges and grapes are liquid light and love in a solid form...

Is it : "truth is the lie commonly agreed upon", or is it "history..."?

"Do Make Say Think" are one of the most listenable bands...

This is not a competition and I am not the winner

The article about determinists

The problem with making rules is you then have to break them...

We should thank A.I. for helping us, but who is there to thank?

"Woo" is not a crime, and as long as it delivers what people want...

How important is walking barefoot on the earth?

General trends can be picked up using statistical analysis of population data, but...

Seek balance in all things

Does the widespread availability of cannabis mean the end of the pharmaceutical industry as we know it?

An unperturbed mind leads to calm emotions and a relaxed body...

Take responsibility for yourself and let everybody else...

Decision making rubric for a simple choice

Health tips for traveling this year - JASON CHRISTOFF

Without a philosophy we are just blown about by the winds of time

Feed the bubble... Keep the people happy!

As long as Mullumbimby still stands...

Mountain folk in America are hinterland folk in Australia

You don't need to be a satanist to serve Satan, you just need...

Is "cleanskinning" a new type of cult?

By drawing attention to concerns over vaccines many seem to believe you are casting aspersions...

Divinity is our natural state and is where the mind automatically goes...

Forgiveness is divine

When asked "how many moments do we get", she said...