1. Bring healthy food on the plane, as to avoid some the most unhealthy "food like items" on the planet. There's nothing more dangerous than the food provided on a plane, for economy passengers. Bring your own food, it won't be taken away and protect yourself. The best items are cut veggies, nuts, protein balls, fruit etc etc. Organic of course is much healthier. Love yourself enough to protect yourself from toxic economy airplane food.
2. Always pack a small resealable bag of sea salt for plane rides that serve Dasani or Aquafina water. These mineral-less waters are very unhealthy, unless you add a small pinch of sea salt back into them.
3. Avoid overeating on a plane ride as the change in pressure can distort the digestive tract, leading to discomfort and compromised digestion.
4. Avoid the TWINRX and other travel vaccines, sold using fear. No trials have ever been conducted where a vaccinated person was purposely infected with the virus in question, to prove the vaccine provided immunity. All vaccine inserts declare that the vaccine can kill or permanently cripple all recipients. No proof of increased immunity plus a legal declaration of harm comes with all vaccinations. The TWINRX vaccine also contains either aluminum and/or thimerosal (mercury) both proven to cause brain damage, and a host of other short term and long term health detriments. Many people this year alone have reported death or full paralysis after taking their travel vaccines. If you take a "vacation vaccine" the chances of you becoming sick from the vaccine are massive and the chances of you dying on the vacation increase exponentially. These vaccines, like all others, have never been proven to reduce disease or increase immunity in real world populations, on any level....no exceptions. Anyone vaccinating is doing so out of fear and reflexive obedience to corrupt authority....and not the tabulated research. The medical doctor at this added link will explain how extremely unhealthy all vaccines are. http://bit.ly/2FG5j0W
5. If it's a long flight, make sure to stretch in an open area before you get on the plane. This helps avoid cramping and increases blood circulation, which can avoid blood clotting, known to happen on some flights due to the changes in pressure.
6. Take adequate amounts of fish oil for weeks prior to travel, as fish oil is known to thin the blood and avoid clotting due to pressure changes/nervousness. This is especially imperative for older adults. Other items that thin the blood are garlic, turmeric, ginger and vitamin E. If you're already taking medical blood thinners, avoid this suggestion, as combining natural blood thinners with prescription blood thinners can create a dangerous situation if someone gets cut. Saying that, prescription blood thinners are toxic and will make you extremely sick overtime, which will lead to more toxic medications.....which in turn reflects the "repeat business design" of the conventional medical system.
7. Always travel with a small bottle of peppermint essential oil. If anyone has a stuffed up nose, the pressure changes with that sort of sinus infection can rupture the ear drum in some cases. If someone has a stuffed up nose and sinus infection, the complication (pressure leading to pain) would occur during ascent and descent of the plane. If this occurs, ask the attendant for a small cup and tissue. Pour some of the peppermint oil onto the tissue and place the tissue in the small cup. Place your nose into the cup and breathe deeply. Problem solved in most cases.
8. Take a small kit of natural remedies for infections with you. This should include Thieves Oil by Young Living, garlic capsules from Mercola.com, Ginger, Turmeric and Oregano from New Chapters, echinacea from Vogel and vitamin C from Innate Response. If someone falls ill, is cut or isn't feeling the best, these items can raise them back from the dead. Raw freshly squeezed orange juice (consumed right after squeezing) is your go to substance for any disease and ill health while on vacation. If someone is sick with anything, get them fresh orange, lemon and lime juice immediately.
9. Bring a small jar of protein powder in case anyone in your party has diarrhea. Having diarrhea before a plane ride or during can be disastrous during take off, landing or when the plane bathroom is occupied. If diarrhea is present, make a protein paste from the protein powder and a very small amount of water. Eat it. That will clog you up until the plane ride is over. Take 5-6 hours in advance of the plane ride.
10. Getting drunk and eating the worst foods in the world for your time away isn't a vacation. Destroying yourself on your vacation means you only come back more exhausted and have no tolerance for stress when you return. Relax, read a book, enjoy the company of others, exercise and eat properly to maximize your holiday investment. Dream of the next business you want to open or the next big step you're going to take in your life. Relaxation increases IQ so if you're going to think of an amazing idea, it will be when you're on vacation.
11. Use only non toxic sunblock that's full spectrum. When I'm on vacation there's nothing more sad than seeing an uninformed parent lathering their child with toxic sunblock, which is proven to increase skin cancer from the chemicals alone plus the fact that most conventional sun blocks only block UVB, allowing the UVA to penetrate deeply under the skin, to again increase skin cancer. Go to Mercola.com to get toxin free full spectrum sun block (blocks both UVA and UVB) and when you're there get some non toxic skin moisturizing lotion to keep the skin nice and healthy on the trip as well.
12. After you get through air plane security, get a good water for the plane in the various gift shops. Evian is the best water you can purchase or Fiji.
13. Be aware that most people are stressed when they fly, even if they aren't aware of this often automatic physiological stress response. When the body is stressed, it has a hard time removing caffeine from the system as quickly as non stressed situations. This can lead to caffeine poisoning very easily in and after flight time. If you drink coffee (and I suggest no one does) but if you do, wait until you're relaxed to consume it. Drinking alcohol in and around coffee time, can be very hard on your liver and given your liver detoxes coffee, alcohol consumption can force the caffeine to keep recirculating in the blood stream, which can lead to caffeine poisoning. Caffeine poisoning appears like a violent 24 hour flu. Taking pain killers at the same time as coffee or alcohol is inviting disaster, as all pain killers destroy liver function.
14. Never under any circumstance enter the microwave radiation viewing station in airport security, even if asked. There's always a choice. Go for the manual pat down. Sure there are perverted and mentally unstable people employed in the positions of "pat down" security but it's better than getting microwaved in the radiation ovens they provide.....and don't believe their lie-ahria about the booths being safe either. Like most other order followers, they just repeat the lies told to them for fake paper currency, an empty and soulless way to live one's life on this planet.The scanning booths use microwave technology proven to accelerate cancer growth and spread. All by design as usual, preying on the uninformed public.
Safe travels my friends and enjoy your vacation.
2. Always pack a small resealable bag of sea salt for plane rides that serve Dasani or Aquafina water. These mineral-less waters are very unhealthy, unless you add a small pinch of sea salt back into them.
3. Avoid overeating on a plane ride as the change in pressure can distort the digestive tract, leading to discomfort and compromised digestion.
4. Avoid the TWINRX and other travel vaccines, sold using fear. No trials have ever been conducted where a vaccinated person was purposely infected with the virus in question, to prove the vaccine provided immunity. All vaccine inserts declare that the vaccine can kill or permanently cripple all recipients. No proof of increased immunity plus a legal declaration of harm comes with all vaccinations. The TWINRX vaccine also contains either aluminum and/or thimerosal (mercury) both proven to cause brain damage, and a host of other short term and long term health detriments. Many people this year alone have reported death or full paralysis after taking their travel vaccines. If you take a "vacation vaccine" the chances of you becoming sick from the vaccine are massive and the chances of you dying on the vacation increase exponentially. These vaccines, like all others, have never been proven to reduce disease or increase immunity in real world populations, on any level....no exceptions. Anyone vaccinating is doing so out of fear and reflexive obedience to corrupt authority....and not the tabulated research. The medical doctor at this added link will explain how extremely unhealthy all vaccines are. http://bit.ly/2FG5j0W
5. If it's a long flight, make sure to stretch in an open area before you get on the plane. This helps avoid cramping and increases blood circulation, which can avoid blood clotting, known to happen on some flights due to the changes in pressure.
6. Take adequate amounts of fish oil for weeks prior to travel, as fish oil is known to thin the blood and avoid clotting due to pressure changes/nervousness. This is especially imperative for older adults. Other items that thin the blood are garlic, turmeric, ginger and vitamin E. If you're already taking medical blood thinners, avoid this suggestion, as combining natural blood thinners with prescription blood thinners can create a dangerous situation if someone gets cut. Saying that, prescription blood thinners are toxic and will make you extremely sick overtime, which will lead to more toxic medications.....which in turn reflects the "repeat business design" of the conventional medical system.
7. Always travel with a small bottle of peppermint essential oil. If anyone has a stuffed up nose, the pressure changes with that sort of sinus infection can rupture the ear drum in some cases. If someone has a stuffed up nose and sinus infection, the complication (pressure leading to pain) would occur during ascent and descent of the plane. If this occurs, ask the attendant for a small cup and tissue. Pour some of the peppermint oil onto the tissue and place the tissue in the small cup. Place your nose into the cup and breathe deeply. Problem solved in most cases.
8. Take a small kit of natural remedies for infections with you. This should include Thieves Oil by Young Living, garlic capsules from Mercola.com, Ginger, Turmeric and Oregano from New Chapters, echinacea from Vogel and vitamin C from Innate Response. If someone falls ill, is cut or isn't feeling the best, these items can raise them back from the dead. Raw freshly squeezed orange juice (consumed right after squeezing) is your go to substance for any disease and ill health while on vacation. If someone is sick with anything, get them fresh orange, lemon and lime juice immediately.
9. Bring a small jar of protein powder in case anyone in your party has diarrhea. Having diarrhea before a plane ride or during can be disastrous during take off, landing or when the plane bathroom is occupied. If diarrhea is present, make a protein paste from the protein powder and a very small amount of water. Eat it. That will clog you up until the plane ride is over. Take 5-6 hours in advance of the plane ride.
10. Getting drunk and eating the worst foods in the world for your time away isn't a vacation. Destroying yourself on your vacation means you only come back more exhausted and have no tolerance for stress when you return. Relax, read a book, enjoy the company of others, exercise and eat properly to maximize your holiday investment. Dream of the next business you want to open or the next big step you're going to take in your life. Relaxation increases IQ so if you're going to think of an amazing idea, it will be when you're on vacation.
11. Use only non toxic sunblock that's full spectrum. When I'm on vacation there's nothing more sad than seeing an uninformed parent lathering their child with toxic sunblock, which is proven to increase skin cancer from the chemicals alone plus the fact that most conventional sun blocks only block UVB, allowing the UVA to penetrate deeply under the skin, to again increase skin cancer. Go to Mercola.com to get toxin free full spectrum sun block (blocks both UVA and UVB) and when you're there get some non toxic skin moisturizing lotion to keep the skin nice and healthy on the trip as well.
12. After you get through air plane security, get a good water for the plane in the various gift shops. Evian is the best water you can purchase or Fiji.
13. Be aware that most people are stressed when they fly, even if they aren't aware of this often automatic physiological stress response. When the body is stressed, it has a hard time removing caffeine from the system as quickly as non stressed situations. This can lead to caffeine poisoning very easily in and after flight time. If you drink coffee (and I suggest no one does) but if you do, wait until you're relaxed to consume it. Drinking alcohol in and around coffee time, can be very hard on your liver and given your liver detoxes coffee, alcohol consumption can force the caffeine to keep recirculating in the blood stream, which can lead to caffeine poisoning. Caffeine poisoning appears like a violent 24 hour flu. Taking pain killers at the same time as coffee or alcohol is inviting disaster, as all pain killers destroy liver function.
14. Never under any circumstance enter the microwave radiation viewing station in airport security, even if asked. There's always a choice. Go for the manual pat down. Sure there are perverted and mentally unstable people employed in the positions of "pat down" security but it's better than getting microwaved in the radiation ovens they provide.....and don't believe their lie-ahria about the booths being safe either. Like most other order followers, they just repeat the lies told to them for fake paper currency, an empty and soulless way to live one's life on this planet.The scanning booths use microwave technology proven to accelerate cancer growth and spread. All by design as usual, preying on the uninformed public.
Safe travels my friends and enjoy your vacation.
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