Does the widespread availability of cannabis mean the end of the pharmaceutical industry as we know it?
CBD Oil is the exit from big pharma
Why? Because it can do so many amazing things for the body without all the side (direct) effects that toxic pharmaceuticals have. CBD can help with chronic pain relief, inflammation, mental disorders, insomnia, diabetes, and so on and so forth...the list is seemingly endless.
One of the most talked about points with regard to the use of CBD oil is how it can potentially be used to either wean off or completely eliminate addictive, expensive, side-effect producing pharmaceutical meds.
The body is designed to to work with CBD oil via naturally-occurring chemical receptors inside the body to influence things like homeostasis, and promote healing through a wide variety of internal mechanisms. For instance, one of its most well-known properties is its ability to act as an anti-inflammatory. Just as an anti-inflammatory alone, CBD has been known to help with an amazingly wide array of ailments, as inflammation is known to be the underlying cause of literally dozens of different diseases and medical challenges.
Moreover, its uses as an antipsychotic, antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and neuroprotectant have been well-documented. In short, CBD appears to have seemingly no limits to the number or types of human medical conditions that it can offer symptomatic relief from.
One of the largest and most well-documented studies (i.e. it was covered by the likes of Forbes) that involved CBD and its ability to replace prescription meds, came in the form of a large-scale survey conducted by Brightfield Group and HelloMD. To clarify, HelloMD is an online community of more than 150,000 users that is designed to connect practicing physicians with potential medical cannabis users.
In the survey, it was determined that out of 2,400 HelloMD users, cannabidiol (CBD) products were used in 42% of them to effectively replace the use of conventional medications that were being used. Even considering the non-clinical nature of the survey, these statistics are no less than astounding as it more or less suggests that CBD products can potentially allow for nearly 50% of patients to drop their expensive, addictive, and side effect-producing depression, anxiety, and pain meds. This is no “fabricated” data these were real life people with real life conditions.
Of course, though, the numbers presented in the study were just small samples of much larger volumes of anecdotal evidence that exist, which point to what we essentially have already known for years; that is, that a large percentage of individuals find CBD fully capable of being used to replace dangerous, addictive (and not to mention expensive) prescription meds.
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