
Real v dream world

Being in a hurry

On being scary

Biological robots?

Camping in the lakes area of Tasmania

"Fixing the world"

Climate change

On debates

What makes someone a fanatic?

Fighting leads to hell

Science, religion: motive the key to their wise use

Fighting on the internet

A comment on the hatred directed at Deepak Chopra

Open the Light- BOC (VIDEO)

What is a car?

True parent

Meeting the Queen

Jousting with fundamentalists


The horror of "woo"!

Franz Hutter

Creation of life

A secret of life

The conscious and unconscious spiritual path

Barry Long and immortality

Speaking to materialists and "spiritists"*

Live on your own terms

Science fan boys and girls

Materialistic science- the new dogma

There are no real skeptics

Is the web populated with 12 yo boys?



Demons inflame situations

Followers of Christ

Religion, self-aggrandisement, oneness

People expecting to "kill their way into heaven"

The enemy as monsters

Don't vilify those with alternative views

THE BIBLE: Keep the Sermon on the Mount, discard the rest?

Obama is not a member of the Illuminati

God is not separate so it's crazy to bemoan "him"

Automatic salvation is for the lazy and doesn't work

No questioning allowed = cult

We need to embrace Muslims

The devil's work

Good will societies to replace religions

Comment about genes and health

Evolution & the purity of life

Using the label "science" to sell notions and potions

Speed of evolution

Denying religion doesn't send you to hell

Why murderers go to hell

Sunglasses in heaven & hell

Fat & sin

Chocolate milk

Science & morality

How real is ISIL?

Doubt and medical procedures

The Illuminati want to own everything

Nothing is truly known secondhand

Brainwashing, consensus and humility

Question everything!

Free the nipple...

The heart is the key

Unhappiness and false beliefs

The law and the reptiles

A work of perfection

"God" wants co-creators, not slaves

The rising of the Christ is within

Spirituality and intelligence

We experience what we expect

Religion, humility, terrorism

Unity is required going forward

The Lord* cometh into the body...


Identifying as awareness

The temporary existence of hell

Epic ego dramas result in atrocities

Ellen Page - Barbie doll mashup

Beacons of trust and hope

Lila = a play of form!

It's important to be skeptical!

Division between spiritual communities

Belief required for any endeavour

Outer and inner Christianity