It is the demons that like to inflame a situation
while the angels attempt to pour oil over troubled waters.
Conflict is fuelled by demonic forces that impact on human minds. They make humans leer at the truth and many social movements are propelled on by such forces, specifically those that promote conflict, disrespect, social division, arrogance etc.
Those who are used as vessel for the evil ones would laugh in your face at this suggestion but it is their own base qualities and ego mania that allows them to be used as pawns in the evil one's games.
The soltuion for those who don't want to dragged into and down by the demons games is to not engage with them and particularly not to become obsessed with "striking back" as this just places you more deeply in their clutches.
while the angels attempt to pour oil over troubled waters.
Conflict is fuelled by demonic forces that impact on human minds. They make humans leer at the truth and many social movements are propelled on by such forces, specifically those that promote conflict, disrespect, social division, arrogance etc.
Those who are used as vessel for the evil ones would laugh in your face at this suggestion but it is their own base qualities and ego mania that allows them to be used as pawns in the evil one's games.
The soltuion for those who don't want to dragged into and down by the demons games is to not engage with them and particularly not to become obsessed with "striking back" as this just places you more deeply in their clutches.