What makes one person want to control another, or a whole lot of others?
Fear of what?
That they will make choices that don't serve our own interests.
If we are not afraid that people will make choices that don’t serve our interests then we will have no need to try to control them. But if we do have that fear then we will be tempted to manipulate them into acting in ways that serve us. This is the ultimate form of selfishness, bred of fear.
What is the solution?
To become fearless, or trusting that our own long-term interests are best served by allowing other people to do as they please.
How do we achieve this?
By understanding that our own happiness is in our own hands, not the hands of another and that by releasing control of other we not enhance their freedom and ours but we contribute to the long-term happiness of both parties.
Pic of AJ Miller
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(click on image to expand)
Sharka Todd
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