Stop walking on eggshells - KERRY HAWORTH

I don’t like how people are always walking on egg shells, deleting their own posts, being worried about being offensive of what people think, bowing or caving in to political correctness, this is basically what it is. Tyranny with manners, that’s all it is. I’ve been saying this for a while and now I’ll say it again, the greatest prison a person can live in is the one in their own mind when they care about what others think of them. There’s no better way to control or manipulate others.

A prison without bars that you can’t see or touch. This is what happens when a person can’t or won’t say what they want to say, what they need to say, or when they can’t speak real truth, when they believe in too many lies, etc. These kinds of problems could easily be reversed, this mental prison or mental slavery, but first one would have to recognize the issues and admit to them. Most already know that’s not going to happen, even the intelligent ones who know about psychology, all due to the ego being allowed to outweigh the rest, that fear of what others think about them..

The truth is usually never popular or well liked, but without real truth there can’t be things like spirituality, intelligence (the collection of facts), etc. You can’t be balanced without both positive and negative. Focusing on positives only can never be a totally fulfilling lifestyle, because the world has already proven and does prove daily that ignorance is not bliss.

This is why many people either need to get over this fear of what others think, or stop trying to play both sides of the fence. You’re not going to be a real truth sayer without ever offending anyone. It’s impossible. I think it’s subconscious but we have a lot of people who like to play both sides of the fence so to speak. They claim to be about the truth, but then they’ll support lies and evil much faster than they will the truth and the side of good. They claim to be against corruption but they still want to adore and support it.

I think that these issues are effecting a lot of people all over, but of course nobody wants to talk about it. Usually people don’t want to talk about things that are important, they’d prefer that you bullshit them and tell the lies because hey it sounds ‘positive.’ People are living in this mental prison then they wonder why they can’t shake the depression or anxiety, etc. You have to go with truth if you want to get better, not just biased watered down versions of truth.

