Natural v Illuminati medicine

Primary difference: Illuminati medicine is created primarily to generate a super-normal profit for the manufacturers, which is only possible when the market for that product is uncompetitive and protected by government agencies (due to regulatory capture).

Such super-normal profits are not possible for natural, unpatentable medicines hence the focus on making and marketing unnatural petro-chemical medicines which are patentable.  Patented medicines are protected for 20 years from their invention from direct competition  by firms that copy them and thus able to earn super-normal profits for the manufacturers.  The resources needed to invent these medicines and conduct the scientific testing required to have them approved by the FDA is so great that this provides another barrier to entry to the field, protecting existing firms from competition and allow super-normal, or economic, profits to be made.

When these factors are combined with government collusion with the pharmaceutical industry in subsiding these medicines (and not natural ones) they are made cheaper to the consumer than their natural alternatives (although the public pays indirectly through taxation or through insurance premiums) and you have the current state of western medicine.

This reflects a system-wide corruption which is powered by the huge profits that are possible in a corrupt, for profit, medical system where government agencies are bought out by industry players and a revolving door policy exists between heads of pharmaceutical firms and heads of the government agencies that are supposed to regulate them.

Excerpt below on the future of health care from Message from Matthew, 8 Jan 2017:

Illuminati corruption in the medical industry- text below from  Click on image to expand.)