Many Christians say there are no spirits of the "dead"
and that the only spirits humans connect with are demons.
They clearly haven't read the Bible closely enough.
"Test the spirits to see whether they are from God."
"Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ
has come in the flesh is from God"
1 John 4:1-2
This is from the New Testament, written after the life of Jesus,
and in my opinion of more worth than the writings on the subject
in the Old Testament, which in many cases seems to just be the opinion
of old men who knew little about the subject!
When interacting with anyone, living or "dead"
the point is to become wise about what constitutes
a healthy relationship
whether with a "spirit"
or a living person.
And then you won't accept a disrespectful,
manipulative one-
such a one a Christian may call a devil...
but really, just a lost soul!!
Sharka Todd
and that the only spirits humans connect with are demons.
They clearly haven't read the Bible closely enough.
"Test the spirits to see whether they are from God."
"Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ
has come in the flesh is from God"
1 John 4:1-2
This is from the New Testament, written after the life of Jesus,
and in my opinion of more worth than the writings on the subject
in the Old Testament, which in many cases seems to just be the opinion
of old men who knew little about the subject!
When interacting with anyone, living or "dead"
the point is to become wise about what constitutes
a healthy relationship
whether with a "spirit"
or a living person.
And then you won't accept a disrespectful,
manipulative one-
such a one a Christian may call a devil...
but really, just a lost soul!!
Sharka Todd