Tackling vaccine misinformation in the media - NATHAN DOROMAL

Here's what I wrote to the writer of this article:


I just finished reading your piece "What actually changes anti-vaxx minds." It is a well-written piece and I see that you do care about what happens to the health of the children of the nation.

That said, I am greatly disturbed by *what you haven't talked* and it is striking because it is at the core of the vaccine controversy and at the core of children's health. These issues are essentially journalism basics at the heart of the story.

Here's what you missed:

There are 50,0000+ vaccine injuries a year and this is easily verified by looking at the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. Many of these are quite serious and some of them have led to children's deaths (see Holly's story in hopefromholly.org). The fact of vaccine injury raises moral questions given that vaccines were supposed to prevent illness not cause them.

Moreover, you haven't mentioned that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 granted liability protection to the pharmaceuticals and that there was an explosion in the childhood vaccine schedule after this in 1990s during which there was a corresponding explosion in the number of autism cases and childhood autoimmune disorders.

Nor do you mention, or seem to be aware of, recent research in the past 10 years implicating the practice of over-vaccinating with regards to autoimmunity. This term has been called Vaccines and Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants.

In particular, much research has implicated aluminum in vaccines as a neurotoxin and experts have implicated the accumulation of aluminum in the brain as related to both autism and various childhood developmental disorders (see Crepeaux 2017 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27908630). It is unfortunate that no original human safety studies exist for aluminum and its use was "grandfathered in" by the FDA.

Finally, you fail to point out the abnormal vaccine safety claims of the CDC. They have been repeating the mantra "vaccines don't cause autism" BUT they have only studied one vaccine (MMR) and one ingredient (mercury in thimerosal). But they extrapolate this claim of safety to all 72 doses (from pregnancy to age 18) on the vaccine schedule in a move that is most patently unscientific. It appears that rigorous standards of science are no longer being applied in order to defend the vaccine program.

The CDC claims that all of the above is "vaccine misinformation" BUT the strange part about that claim is ALL of the above is actually TRUE. The authorities seem to be conflating "misinformation" with "inconvenient truth."
The key issue that no one wants to talk about is this: "there are too many damn vaccines on the damn vaccine schedule, and it is making our children worse off."

I ask you that you take a more critical stance towards the current vaccine program. What are termed "anti-vaccine views" are actually greater calls for reform with regards to the vaccine program and the unfortunate overreach of the pharmaceuticals into government public health policy. It is time for change and the people are demanding it.

We need journalists like yourself to answer the call for greater transparency and truth in society. Together we safeguard our children's health and defend our democracy from corporate interests.

Thank you for reading.

Nathan Doromal
