Vaccines are "the big lie" of our era - JASON HOMMEL

Let's start with the obvious lies and why those lies are obvious.

1. Vaccines give lifetime immunity. Except that they don't. And so you need booster shots. But the booster shots are the same shot. And if the 4th shot does not give lifetime immunty, why would the 5th, or 6th?

2. Vaccines are all the same. Except that they are not. They each have their own levels of effectiveness or total lack thereof. Some are viral, some are bacterial.

3. The risk of not vaccinating outweighs the risk of vaccinating. Except that for many of the diseases, there is essentially zero risk. With zero cases of Polio since 1979 in the USA, which the CDC admits to, what is the risk of polio? And why have nearly 2000 people died from polio vaccines in the adverse reaction database that only reports about 1% of all vaccine reactions? If 200,000 people have died from polio vaccines, and zero have died from polio in the last 39 years, how can the vaccine be safer?

4. Similarly, there are zero deaths from measles in the last 10 years, and over 100 deaths from MMR in the adverse reaction database, and with only 1% of reactions reported, it's probably more like 10,000 deaths from the MMR vaccine. If the vaccine causes 10,000 times more deaths, then how can it be safer?

5. There are 100,000 new cases of Autism each year in America. Why is that less important than zero cases of new measles?

6. The brains of those with Autism have been found to have 10 times higher levels of aluminum, a known nerve toxin, and over 6 milligrams of aluminum is found in the vaccine schedule injected directly in the first year of life. Aluminum in vaccines that kills nerves that are found in the brain is indeed a plausible mechanism for the brain damage called Autism.

7. The media repeatedly claims there are no studies linking vaccines and Autism. Except for 146 scientific studies published in scientific journals. There are only about 24 studies showing no link, and most of those studies were produced by a man wanted for fraud by the U.S. government.

8. The anti vaccine movement was not started by Jenny or Wakefield. It's been around since the very beginning of vaccination, and thousands of parents are watching their children suffer vaccine reactions each day.

9. Seizures after vaccines are NOT normal. Seizures used to be an extremely rare, extremely dangerous nerological (nerve) disorder. Why would doctors or parents not be worried about a severe nerve reaction right after injecting a nerve toxin?

10. The most common form of compensated vaccine injury is paralysis from the flu shot, which still contains the most toxic nerve toxin in the world, mercury. Paralysis is from dead nerves.

These are just a few of the big lies of vaccination. All of these points are common sense. They cannot be refuted.

Yet people vaccinate anyway. Because they are told to do so by the media that gets 70% of their ad revenue from pharma companies.

By Jason Hommel
