Medical tyranny: join our world and play our game... or else!

California mandatory vaccine legislator Richard Pan as a Borg.

Medical tyranny is being ramped up around the world. California has made vaccination mandatory for all children if they wish to attend child care, schools and colleges. Italy and France are also making vaccines mandatory for school children, and Australia is blackmailing parents by denying then a significant and widely available government family payment unless their child is fully vaccinated according to their ever growing schedule.

Who, or what, is behind this ramping up of medical tyranny is hard to say, exactly.  The fact that the tyranny is being enacted on a global scale suggests a person or organization with global reach is behind this latest destruction of individual liberty.

The true purpose of this medical tyranny is almost certainly one being hidden from the people.  The argument that 97% of small babies being vaccinated in western countries, such as Australia, is not enough is clearly nonsense.

"Herd immunity" (which is argued to be a false paradigm) has never needed 100% vaccination rates to operate, if vaccines truly function as people are led to believe, but now it seems anything under complete coverage is seen as immoral and those who abstain are blamed for any disease outbreak amongst the population  where a vaccine exists, even though it is strongly argued that is it the live vaccines, themselves, that are keeping these diseases alive in the community.

It is believed that vaccines have been co-opted to carry out a nefarious scheme put into place by the super elite of this world.  That purpose is the weakening, and even killing, of vast segments of the human race.  The desire of the power elite for a much smaller world population is expressed regularly, but their desire to damage those who remain, to keep them easily controllable,  has not.

The extensive poisoning of this world- on land, in the air, and at sea, is seen as part of this desire to sicken and kill off the population.

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Matthew Ward
