How the establishment gets people to conform (pt.1)

An anonymous voice can speak freely, but once a person gains significant attention that person will come under increasing pressure to conform to the views of vested interests that have the ability to destroy a person- their careers and their reputation- if they choose not to do so.

That, I believe, is the main reason for conforming opinions among establishment players, not some inherent truth to what they are saying, which is what many mistakenly believe, but solely due to a "screening" process that "weeds out" non-conformists.

Those who work their way up through establishment organisations are brainwashed along the way, only exposed to establishment views and the evidence that supports these views, and as a result will fight to maintain these views and attack conflicting opinions.

Those who buy into the programming the most are the most likely to rise to positions of influence, while those with dissenting views are either frozen out of power positions, or sacked.

The result of this process is the "talking heads" or "authorities" we see on the TV and in the newspapers that all march to the same drum- in full agreement about issues of concern to the establishment, where dissent may threaten their power base.

Those who are given a platform in the mainstream media to express "anti-establishment" views are generally done so only so that can be attacked so severely after doing so that anyone else considering expressing similar anti-establishment views is discouraged from doing so (the Japanese hammering of the nail technique).
