Labels are largely irrelevant

I don't think it matters too much what labels a person attaches to themselves. All that really matters is how we act towards others and ourselves.

People separate themselves from one another by labelling others and seeing them as different, wrong and in conflict with themselves.

This is totally unnecessary and it is only the ego - that most superficial, fear-based and inauthentic part of our self - that thinks in terms of us and them, good guys and bad guys.

Maturity comes when we look beyond labels at our shared humanity.

This enables us to see we are basically the same at our core and this realisation should lead us to attempting to empathise and get along with one another rather than seek to be antagonistic with others.

People will argue that others do differ with them in terms of their values and politics, and this is true, but this is no reason to cast them out as pariahs.

Agree to differ, if you must, but don't fail to see the underlying humanity that unites you.

For if we do reject others because of their different beliefs we will just be adding to the division and conflict in the world and this will help no-one and won't help to deliver the peaceful, harmonious world the vast majority seek!
