Science, authority and the power elite

Science can be seen as another attempt (like religion) to move authority out of the self and towards a group of unelected elites.

This suits the power elite, who seek to control the human race, as all they have to control are those deemed (by them and the systems they create) "authorities".  They can then use these authorities to promote the messages they approve of by ramming them down people's throats through the various media outlets they control.

This is the only way to control social beliefs en masse- setting up authorities that repeat your message and then promoting that message through the mass media.

Those who refuse to accept the authority of these external bodies- whether they be institutions, authorities or religions- are unable to be controlled by the power elite and represent the greatest danger to their continued control.

See also: Earthly authorities as God's representatives,  How science is used to control people (pt.1)
