Philosophies promoted by the power elite

Which philosophies, through its control of media and social institutions, does the shadow government promote?

(1) Any philosophy that dis-empowers the individual and makes them feel small and worthless. Materialism and the popular religions fall into this category.

Since the fall of religion and the rise of science this has increasingly been materialism, which claims the universe and our lives within it are a meaningless chance occurrence and that we have little ability to affect the world we live in, hardly an empowering philosophy.

(2) Philosophies that are fundamentally wrong.  

After all, true knowledge of the deeper and more mysterious workings of the universe bestow power upon the individual that possesses it.  Such knowledge is jealously guarded by the power elite because of the power advantage this knowledge confers on its owner.

Because the members of the power elite seek control over others they do not wish for true knowledge to be commonplace.  So such true knowledge will not be broadcast from public platforms they are able to control. Instead such knowledge will be ignored, where possible, and if this fails, such true knowledge will be ridiculed and those that believe in it, belittled.

In addition, knowledge that is not empowering to the possessor will be promoted widely to distract people from the search for true, empowering knowledge. This has a distracting and diluting effect on seekers and what they are able to find.

True knowledge is only to be reserved for the select few, who promise to keep it secret, to help enable this “cabal” to continue to dominate the people it sees as its inferiors, who they believe they can do with as they wish.

See also: An open letter to the Illuminati bloodline families 
