Everybody thinks they have THE TRUTH

Pretty much everyone thinks they alone (and anyone who agrees with them) have THE TRUTH- but considering the wide variety of conflicting opinions in this world it’s pretty clear everyone’s view can’t be the true view.

This fact alone should give us pause and introduce some humility into us.

We may be wrong about a great many things, no matter who agrees with us, or what “holy” book or "great teacher" we base our opinions on.

Among “true believers” there is often no humility at all.  They believe they alone have the truth because it says so "here" in plain english.  Well, no words or book can contain THE TRUTH in it's entirety (whatever that may be), that should seem obvious, and as all our experience is partial, to claim a monopoly on truth indicates a complete lack of self-awareness and perspective on things!

The same goes for non-religious believers as well (see below):

In a nutshell: there's nothing wrong with people disagreeing with each other, but when we lack the humility to say "I could be wrong" that's when entrenched positions and conflicts break out and, in general, problems arise!
