You can't think your way into heaven

You can't think your way into heaven, you can only feel your way in.

The intellect is a wonderful tool and it can, when properly applied, help us to differentiate between the true and the false.

However, we can see from the number of people with brilliant minds who are depressed or even following a dark, destructive path that having a powerful intellect does not guarantee that we will re-connect with our true nature which spiritual realizers describe as unbounded, blissful consciousness  (described by Jesus as the kingdom of heaven).

The only way to move into this natural state is by feeling our way into it- thought can't take us there.

Therefore all the mental gymnastics that people go through, and yet still remain locked in a depressive and limited mind-state gets them nowhere.

Instead, they would be wise to let go of thought for a time and just feel.
This process will help them to move beyond emotional blocks held in the body (by experiencing these "frozen" emotions and thereby freeing them) into the bliss consciousness which is felt and experienced as our true nature!

There is nothing "mystical" or complicated about this process, it's only the mind, which creates endless complications, that thinks that way.  It's as simple as breathing and just requires us to let go of our incessant thinking for a while!

Here's a video from Barry Long that touches on these themes: