Jesus speaks about The Passion of the Christ film

"When you watch any movie, it is highly advisable that you pay attention to your energy level before and after the movie. If you notice a drop in your energy level, you can be certain that the movie has drained your positive energies. Most movie makers are not aware of what they are doing, yet nevertheless such movies are always influenced by dark forces, who are using the movie to steal people's positive energy. This is especially true for movies that shock people, either through images of horror, sex or violence.

I think people watching “The Passion” and paying attention to their energy level will notice that they feel drained of energy after having watched the movie. The reason is simple. This movie puts undue attention on my suffering before and during the crucifixion. Quite frankly, I would prefer that no Christian would see the images of a crucified person covered in blood and portrayed to be Jesus Christ.

That simply is not an accurate depiction of the crucifixion. Obviously, there was some blood but not very much. Such images serve only to shock people into misqualifying God’s energy, and that energy is then sucked up by demons, discarnate lifestreams and entities who live off that misqualified energy. Quite frankly, movie theaters are often feeding grounds for such lower beings, especially when those theaters are playing horror movies, pornographic movies and violent movies. I would qualify this movie as a hybrid between a violent movie and a horror movie."
