Using the label "science" to sell notions and potions

There is a big difference between science
  as an array of tools to gain knowledge-
   and all the notions and products
    people are trying to sell
   by using the label "science"!

Sadly, many people can't tell the difference...
  and therein lies the problem!

For the reality is, none of us is in a position to judge the validity of any statement relating to a complex issue as we just don't have the time to study all the relevant data and to determine whether tests were conducted in a fair way and the appropriate analytical and statistical methods applied to the findings.  As a result we are dependent on others for much of our information and sadly, this may be tainted by their biases and ignorance of alternative methods.

As a result it is difficult to judge the truth of any statement made and often we have to take things on trust, if we take them at all!