Speaking to materialists and "spiritists"*

I believe there is little point in speaking to both a materialist and a spiritist ("consciousness is primary") audience because to appeal to one you would have to alienate the other.  The idea that man (and all other things) are primarily non-physical is anathema to many people, just as suggesting that we are all purely physical beings is anathema to the other group.  I think it's best to just let the other group be and speak to those who share the same understanding.

A response to this video of Deepak Chopra and Michael Shermer:

*"Spiritists" is used here to mean those who believe consciousness is primary, that is: that physical form is a creation of consciousness and not the other way around.  That is: that we are primarily spiritual beings who manifest a physical body for a brief incarnation on earth before returning the the "spirit realm".