Q. Are Bill and Melinda Gates Illuminati? They want to vaccinate everyone in Africa and maybe everywhere else—are they really unaware that vaccines are used to spread disease or do they know and are as dark as the people behind it?
A. They are Illuminati by the power of their money and corporate influence, yes, but by an intention to dominate the world, no. Bill has been so focused on technology, almost to the exclusion of knowing Illuminati activities other than leadership in governments, mega-corporations and banking, that only recently he became aware of their diabolic motives, including the purpose for mandated vaccinations. When he learned about the autism-like effects of vaccinations in infants, lab-designed viruses put in vaccines, and programmed microchips in some inoculations, the Gates foundations’ health care funding swiftly but silently changed accordingly. The Gateses are not dark souls—they were fence-straddlers who ignored the darkness in their affiliations and business dealings, then “saw the light” and now are being guided by conscience.
A. They are Illuminati by the power of their money and corporate influence, yes, but by an intention to dominate the world, no. Bill has been so focused on technology, almost to the exclusion of knowing Illuminati activities other than leadership in governments, mega-corporations and banking, that only recently he became aware of their diabolic motives, including the purpose for mandated vaccinations. When he learned about the autism-like effects of vaccinations in infants, lab-designed viruses put in vaccines, and programmed microchips in some inoculations, the Gates foundations’ health care funding swiftly but silently changed accordingly. The Gateses are not dark souls—they were fence-straddlers who ignored the darkness in their affiliations and business dealings, then “saw the light” and now are being guided by conscience.
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