The misuse of the term "herd immunity" - UNKNOWN AUTHOR

“There's no such thing as herd immunity, as represented by the vaccine industry. The research used as the foundation for the notion of vaccine induced herd immunity was in reality an attempt to define, or measure, the ebb in the ebb and flow of infectious illness. In 1933, a researcher collected Chicago measles epidemic statistics from a 20 year period. He determined that on average, after 67% of the population had developed the disease – and therefore, it’s assumed, immunity – the outbreak would diminish - would ebb - and end. It didn't eradicate the disease, it didn't protect anyone, it simply signaled a reduction in opportunity for infection great enough to trigger the end to that particular outbreak. It's a cycle. A few years later, when enough kids - and adults - were susceptible, when opportunity had sufficiently increased, the disease would again flow; there'd be another outbreak.

The vaccine industry hijacked the term, herd immunity, using it to motivate vaccination. The claim alone that this illusive, theoretical phenomenon could eradicate the respective infectious illnesses is the height of arrogance. To accomplish the supposed feat, they jacked up the related percentage from 67% to 90%, then to 95% - as though we men can simply dictate a radical change in a natural cycle and predict the outcome, and Mother Nature will obey. Some have even called for 100% coverage to accomplish the task, akin to saying if we burn down every forest, every tree in the world, no tree will ever again emerge. It’s pie in the sky, delusion, and that’s just on the surface.

Below the surface, the fundamental, critical fallacy is the industry’s claim that injection of disease antigens elicits the same immune reaction as natural exposure. It doesn’t. In fact, it’s very different. The immune system was created or evolved – your choice – to react to introduction of disease antigens where they’re expected to occur: virtually solely either on the surface of the skin or in the mucosal membranes of the body.

Thus, that’s where the bulk of the innate immune system, the first responder to natural exposure, is located, and that innate reaction dictates whether an infection will even develop. It operates so efficiently that most of us are well most of the time, despite continual exposure to ubiquitous, ostensibly disease-causing microbes. This robust, natural, protective process, which not only determines whether an ensuing, adaptive response will take place, but then controls it, as well, is bypassed by injection.

The immune system learns from experience. In targeting the adaptive response, vaccination, injection, breaches the natural flow of events. It thwarts a sophisticated process that is both protective and recuperative, depending on need. It misinforms and miseducates the immune system, interfering with proper immunological response to the respective infectious illnesses after subsequent exposures, stifling what would otherwise be true, complete recovery.

Vaccines don’t immunize, they bastardize.

The proof is there for the picking. Most obvious is the scheduled need for one, two or three booster shots, depending on the vaccine, while in many if not most of the outbreaks that still occur the majority of the kids, sometimes 100%, are fully vaccinated, including required boosters. More subtle are the tendency in the vaccinated to develop subclinical infections after subsequent exposures; the resulting obfuscation of the true identity of the infection, of the disease; the likelihood that such infections will be surreptitiously transmissible, for an unknown period of time; and the loss of benefits that attend natural, fully symptomatic recovery, like protection against cancer, later in life.

So no, there's no such thing as herd immunity via vaccination. It’s at best simply wishful thinking, at worst a means of forwarding what is now a captured paradigm and a strategy of dehumanization, as the rather amazing function of the natural immune system is stymied.“
