Mercury has been added to vaccines to preserve and prevent bacterial contamination of multi-dose shots. It is in vaccines in the form of a compound called thimerosal. Thimerosal is usually referred to as “safe” mercury because it is ethylmercury and not methyl. Unfortunately this is a huge deception and because I am not part of the science cult and have studied this properly I can explain why it is a massive lie.
Methylmercury and ethylmercury are organic mercury compounds. Methylmercury has been extensively studied as a result of its accumulation in fish. The FDA even advises against eating too much of certain species in order to reduce our exposure. But when it comes to ethylmercury, the CDC claims that the amount of ethylmercury in vaccines is safe. The CDC website covers the topic of thimerosal (and ethylmercury) in vaccines, yet lists only one scientific study from the past decade. It’s stated that ethylmercury in vaccines is “cleared from the body more quickly than methylmercury, and is therefore less likely to cause any harm”. When the CDC makes this statement, what they’re referring to is that the amount of ethylmercury in the blood after it’s injected through a vaccine, where drops more quickly than methylmercury would. The problem with this statement is that they’re allowing readers to make the assumption that blood levels of ethylmercury drop because it’s being eliminated from the body, and no longer poses the threat of toxicity. Unfortunately, this is a lie. Blood levels drop because much of it is quickly going to the brain and other organs, where it gets converted to inorganic mercury, gets trapped, and becomes difficult to remove. It’s also been found that ethylmercury ends up depositing twice as much inorganic mercury into the brain than would an equal amount of methylmercury from consuming contaminated fish.
Further, “(mercury) injection is distributed primarily in the central nervous system, kidneys, liver, and skin. Mercury crosses the blood brain barrier and the placenta; infants and the fetus are the most at risk for toxicity to occur. Mercury exposure by expecting mothers has been shown to cause neurological abnormalities. Infants exposed in utero to mercury have shown developmental delays. In addition, the possibility of a link between mercury exposure and neurological disorders such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been shown.
In 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Public Health Service called for mercury to be taken out of vaccines because they discovered that the amount of mercury in certain vaccines which were given to infants far exceeded the EPA reference dose or exposure threshold for how much mercury that any individual should be exposed to in one day.
EPA Reference Dose = 0.1 mcg/kg/day
“Trace amounts”
The thimerosal content of most vaccines was reduced to “trace amounts” (0.3-1.0mcg mercury per dose). This is nothing but a ‘legal’ limit where they do not have to tell anyone the vaccine contains mercury. Here is where it gets interesting…
The total amount of mercury a child from 6 months to 18 years of age will receive through the recommended CDC vaccination schedule, has actually increased since the AAP called for its removal. How is that possible? Let me show you.
The reason for this was that in 2002, the CDC began recommending that pregnant women and infants as young as 6 months get annual flu shots at 1-2 doses each season. Both the flu and meningitis vaccine contain a high level of mercury with every other vaccine that comes in a multi-dose vial containing trace amounts. In one multi-dose flu shot, a six-month-old receives 12.5mcg mercury (a half dose) which is over 16x the safe dose per the EPA (calculations below). A three-year-old receives 25mcg mercury via the flu shot, which is almost 18x the safe dose per the EPA. In one mutli-dose meningococcal vaccine, an 11-12 year-old receives over 6x the safe dose of mercury per the EPA. At 25mcg mercury per dose, an individual would have to weigh over 550lbs to approach the safe exposure level.
Additionally, the new CDC guidelines recommend that all children from 2 to 5 years of age receive an annual influenza vaccine. As a result, the total amount of thimerosal given to children under 5 years of age is more than what it was prior to 2000.
Average 6-month-old infant weight = 16.5lbs or 7.5kg
EPA reference dose or allowable limit for average 6-month-old:
7.5kg (0.1mcg/kg/day) = 0.75mcg/day
1/2 dose flu shot for children ages 6-35 months contains 12.5mcg mercury.
(12.5mcg) / (0.75mcg) = 16.67
The amount of mercury in your infant’s flu shot is over 16x the “safe” limit.
• 0.5 parts per billion (ppb) mercury = Kills human neuroblastoma cells (Parran et al., Toxicol Sci 2005; 86: 132-140).
• 2 ppb mercury = U.S. EPA limit for drinking water.
• 200 ppb mercury = level in liquid the EPA classifies as hazardous waste.
• 50,000 ppb Mercury = Current "preservative" level mercury in multi-dose flu (94% of supply), meningococcal (7 and older) vaccines. This can be confirmed by simply analyzing the multi- dose vials.
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