A non-interventionist form of medicine would never make the kind of money that has made medicine such a huge money earner throughout the globe. It can only achieve this by pushing products and procedures onto people that they really don’t need. This is justified by claiming the interventions are “scientific”, when in truth may, if not most, of them are not only unnecessary, but actively harmful.
The question may be: how did such a heavily interventionist type of medicine take over our globe?
Simply by powerful businessmen like JD Rockefeller (see the Flexnor Report) converting the industry into one that serves the interests of big business. This is often done by bribing politicians to create laws that result in a health industry that serves the top end of town rather than the people, and this is the system we currently see in place. An industry of high expense, high profit treatments, over-servicing, brainwashing people to believe it is the only rational choice for healthcare.
Many people have woken up to the corruption in the medical industry but the existing power structure in our society means that such medicine is still promoted to the hilt with alternatives suppressed or ignored. As a result it is up to the individual to do the research themselves so they can determine what is the best course for them, rather than the one that serves big business, that is most widely advertised.
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