Vaccine reactions are hugely underreported

Source: Tay's Way - Instagram

One in a million… that is what we are told. It’s "a one in a million" chance your child will suffer an adverse reaction to a vaccine. It is very “rare” we are told. Certain reactions are “common” and the risks of vaccines are very “low”.

Lies, lies, ALL lies.

We actually have no idea what the REAL risks are of vaccines because vaccine reactions in Australia (and all over the world) are severely underreported, if reported at all. Parents don’t even know they can actually report their child’s adverse reaction themselves.

So of course the medical establishment can say that the risks of vaccines are very “low” when they purposely DO NOT report the reactions on the system like they know they should. Their data is fraudulent and their statistics are flawed.

I have had hundreds of parents come forward to me and privately tell me what has happened to their child after their vaccinations. Every time I ask them “did the doctors report the reaction?” The answer is always, NO.

It is not a one in a million chance of your child reacting to their vaccinations, it is a one in a million chance of your child’s adverse reaction actually being reported by the doctors!

And when children regress or become severely ill after their shots, the doctors will swear black and blue that it was just a “coincidence”, it certainly is not linked to the vaccines, that it is normal for children to be sick.

Let’s be clear, vaccine reactions ARE NOT NORMAL. Vaccine reactions ARE NOT RARE. Just take one look at the thousands of signatures of vaccine injured people behind me on the Vaxxed bus.

Do not let the medical establishment manipulate your mind and make you think otherwise.

They constantly and grossly under exaggerate the true risk of a vaccine reaction. And when a child does have a reaction, they dismiss the parents, make them feel like they are in the wrong for asking questions about their own child’s health, then wipe their hands clean and leave you to pick up the pieces.

There is no accountability, there is no liability.

The medical establishment are misleading all of us and getting away with murder, literally.


#vaxxed #learntherisk #bebrave #tays_way_
