People under the influence of alcohol and other drugs are best avoided because people in this state are susceptible to being overcloaked by unclean spirits who will use the opportunity to lash out at those around them, particularly vulnerable people and those with high light quotients.
There is a true hatred of humanity in general, and light beings, in particular, amongst unclean spirits who are full of rage due to perceived injustices in their past which they have yet to fully process and go beyond.
Sober people, no matter what level of consciousness they possess, are less likely to be overcloaked and therefore less likely to lash out at those around them, unless they have a level of rage that cannot be contained, even in this state.
Not all intoxicated people will be overcloaked in this manner, as it will depend on how susceptible they are to such matters, but those who harbour ill will towards others are likely to be overcloaked by spirits who share such malice, usually to a multiplied degree.
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