If you can concoct a reasonable sounding story, attach the label “science” to it, and then convince enough people of it’s reality, it will be accepted as truth, whether it is or not.
That’s exactly how the power elite operate, co-opting institutions and the media to create a phony consensus.
All that is needed is one or more public figures to release the "science" story, and for it to be picked up by the echo chamber that is the mainstream media, and most people will end up believing it.
This is called "manufacturing consensus" and is often used for ill purposes, such as population control or selling a new product that serves the interests of the elite.
That’s exactly how the power elite operate, co-opting institutions and the media to create a phony consensus.
All that is needed is one or more public figures to release the "science" story, and for it to be picked up by the echo chamber that is the mainstream media, and most people will end up believing it.
This is called "manufacturing consensus" and is often used for ill purposes, such as population control or selling a new product that serves the interests of the elite.
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