Ending legal control by the elites

Increasing tax rates on the rich will not alter the power of the elites.

Whilst the elites control the legal system they will create ways to hide their wealth from taxation and from public view.

My understanding is that it is invested in foundations and trusts and the like. This enables the investor controlling interest and a fund to fulfill their desires whilst appearing to nobly serve the public.

(2) Tax Rates

I say keep tax rates on corporate income low to discourage avoidance and encourage investment. An appropriate number might by 15-20% but will depend on competitor nation rates and budgetary needs.

For individuals rates should go no higher than 35 percent and be 0 on those with subsistence incomes.

(3) Extraction of Legal Control from Elites

This seems to be the key to wrestling control of the world from existing elites and placing them in the hands of the public.

Political leaders need to be placed under great scrutiny for their voting and political behaviour and held up to the highest standards of integrity.

Corruption, in particular, should be guarded against by the public but it must be sure that accusations are genuine and not part of a smear campaign.
