There is plenty of evidence for the existence of spiritual dimensions, but it's just not the kind of evidence that many people are willing to accept. There can't be any "physical" evidence of a spiritual reality, only experiential. That is, consciousness, which is spiritual (or non-physical) in nature, but is capable of working through the physical and spirit body, I believe can and does experience the spiritual domain during our life, though clearly few retain memories of it.
Many people claim that because there is no physical evidence of a spiritual reality they refuse to believe in one or even to investigate the topic. That's fair enough, if people want to limit themselves in that way, but that's like saying because I can't hear the color red I refuse to believe it exists or to learn about it.
We must be intelligent about this, and study a subject according to its limits and possible expressions, not ones it could never have.
For people interested in truth and not just shoring up their existing beliefs, we need to look at the only types of evidence that is possible for spiritual dimensions, and that our experiences and the testimony of other people who claim to have memory of spiritual experiences.
Many are quick to dismiss the myriad of accounts that exist, by people from all walks of life, as delusions. This is a simple way for such a person to ignore this whole field and it is their prerogative to do so. However, such a person will learn nothing as a result, about this area that I believe to be the most important field of knowledge a person can gain.
We spend 80-90 years at most in a physical body on Earth and potentially an infinite amount of time in our spirit form in the spirit world.
As a result, it is clear our experience in the spiritual realms is of primary importance as it potentially dwarfs our current, limited physical life, certainly in regards to length of time spent in each domain.
Therefore, I believe it behooves us to learn all we can about these spiritual dimensions while still alive, as it may impact on our experience in the spiritual realm upon our arrival.
Not only that, but the knowledge gained may help us live fuller and richer lives on Earth due to the enhanced perspective that I believe wisdom gained from the spiritual realms is able to provide due to the broader and truer perspective of certain, but not all, beings within it.
See also: Sources of knowledge of the afterlife.
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