The scientific method is good and many useful discoveries have been made by science but it is important to realize that once a movement becomes sufficiently large and powerful establishment forces will attempt to take it over and manipulate its direction and the messages it sends.
This happened with Christianity in 380 AD and has progressively happened with science during the last 2 centuries.
By gaining control of public and private institutions and their mouthpieces, the media, elitist forces control the direction and messages put forward by "science" (and other movements) which now becomes an establishment propaganda tool and is used for population management and control, as religion once was, and still is, in some places.
The ultimate goal is to promote the elitist or establishment agenda which seems to be ever increasing control over the planet and its resources. This is made easier when hierarchical power structures are put into place which makes manipulating the direction of institutions easier for those with real power at their peak.
This happened with Christianity in 380 AD and has progressively happened with science during the last 2 centuries.
By gaining control of public and private institutions and their mouthpieces, the media, elitist forces control the direction and messages put forward by "science" (and other movements) which now becomes an establishment propaganda tool and is used for population management and control, as religion once was, and still is, in some places.
The ultimate goal is to promote the elitist or establishment agenda which seems to be ever increasing control over the planet and its resources. This is made easier when hierarchical power structures are put into place which makes manipulating the direction of institutions easier for those with real power at their peak.