
Mistakes have been made, but nothing we can't live with.

That thing you love so much? It's a fraud!

When faith in nature dips, interventionism rises!

The image a product creates may not be representative of its reality!

We can try to convince everybody we are right, or just take pride in the knowledge...

We can rent out our brain to the highest bidder...

If someone is agitated and acts rudely... forgive them...

I have heard the mind described as a garden, with thoughts being as plants within it...

I don't see myself as posing any threat to hegemonic power.

Logic and science go hand in hand in our search for truth.

A significant portion of my understanding of life...

It's good to work on your own schedule, so you can sustain a steady pace that works for you.

We choose what we want to experience...

A zen master can generate only love for his fellow creatures...

The suffering of the earth will never be removed from us, until...

If you are confused and lost, travel... you will learn more that way!

Those aligned with power have a greater tendency towards entitled, bullying, and aggressive behaviour.....

Be anything you want, but don't be boring!

Those who herald top-down control have an overly optimistic view of it!

People who have gone beyond the programming can raise the ire of the brainwashed...

Things which are overhyped are more likely to collapse, than things that have grass roots support.

Only those under government control need concern themselves...

My health efforts aren't necessarily to prolong life, but to make it more enjoyable!

You can only get bitter or better, never both!

Some believe everything in the universe is the result of chance and evolution...

Do not roughly handle what God has carefully made!

Labelling things is not the same as understanding them...

Everything is games. Either man-made or natural.

The spirit world is far more intense than the physical world, because the shielding provided by the physical body...

Matthew Ward on the reality of "Pizzagate"

Robert Kennedy Jr's speaking on vaccines at a medical freedom rally

People can believe whatever they want, although they may be punished...

Evil rarely advertises itself as such; Instead it relies on disguise and does its harm...

In my understanding, hell is not a place created to punish people, but rather somewhere...

It would be far simpler to preserve Earth than to "terraform" Mars!

Music cannot be compared. There are many kinds of sonic perfection.

My beliefs are my own. I don't see myself as belonging to any identifiable group...

The authorities cannot "command you" but they can frighten you into doing their bidding.

When the population is asleep, the government will be co-opted.

There are many areas of life where we think, but we just don't know.

The more we rely on "authorities" to do the thinking for us, the more unconscious we become!

A religion without dogma is not a religion, it's just spirituality!

If the establishment is strong there is little need for censorship, but when it's weak...

A person who does not possess a virus cannot pass it onto someone else, but someone who has been injected with the live virus...

One person's "kosha" is another person's "haram" and as long as we accept this everything is fine.

The inner path is the path of the heart and the outer path...

You thank people for their service, even if the didn't do anything.

I could argue from a pro-establishment perspective, but that would be immoral...

Some people lead exemplary lives while the rest of us...

Once egos are on the line, rationality and civility go out the window!

Sometimes the science is poor but made up to sound solid...

Groups I'm not angry about: behaviouralists, post-modernists, atheists,...

Never do anything knowingly unlocking, ni matter how much money or privileges...

It's not poison, it's medicine... but in who's opinion?

Once systemic bias is understood, everything is up for grabs...

The level to which people are willing to take responsibility for their actions will determine...

People don't respond to what you say, they respond to THEIR INTERPRETATION of what you say!

Unless we know with certainty what comes after death we cannot say whether dying is a good thing or not.

Among the natural-philosophical-spiritual people my views are the norm...

Favourite hate crimes of the New World Order

When experts think alike it is often due to their similar schooling, rather than because they know the undisputed truth about a matter.

We vote for politicians, not those who control them...

Our social liberty is curtailed for the common good, but sometimes it is unnecessarily the result of...

I'm not worried about NAZIs, but those who tittle tattle to NAZIs are a concern!

Just because someone is a good or intelligent person doesn't mean everything they believe is right...

When you tell people their "silver bullet" is actually a dud, they don't want to hear it!

What I didn't know about vaccines - Dr. MARK SIBLEY

Tackling vaccine misinformation in the media - NATHAN DOROMAL

When the majority are right being one of them is not a problem, but when the majority are wrong...

People who don't know how power works in the world tend to take things at face value....

Can there be an "I" without a world for it to inhabit?