
You do the best you can and then you go back...

Some folks want to apply a high tech solution to every problem, when often the best response...

I accept an organisation that offers people opportunities but not ones who tell them how to live...

Many people outsource their medical decision making to the government, the CDC and MERCK pharmaceutical...

Imagine a government which made no effort to influence what people think...

A lot of people see nature as the enemy and technology as our way to defeat it...

14th century: It's the Church bro, stop thinking. 21st century: it's Science bro, stop thinking.

In all my time spent on the internet supposed Russian "bots" have been the least of my concern!

Social control is mostly of perception, the impressing of one mind onto others...

When the "official facts" are in danger of being overthrown...

"Magic pills" usually only work for a time, after which they are largely ineffectual.

There's no rule for what is required in every situation...

People are thrown out of the wigwam for holding incorrect opinions...

We have to relive every moment of our lives from the other person's view...

Whenever conformity is demanded, conflict is certain...

How did we go from "open your mind to the new science" to...

Society is divided into those who turn to mainstream media for truth...

There are lieutenants and generals, in this war for the mind.

Elites try to make top down control appear to be bottom up by purchasing the press...

Going with the flow of life by heeding our soul impulses is a very different thing than conforming to society.

A poor product held up by marketing hype, or the greatest thing ever invented?

There are good people everywhere.

Feel good about "me", you're the only one who can!

Thinking "God is good" is not enough, you've got to know...

What led to a person's death may seem important to some people, but to those...

Yes, everything consists of chemicals, but few things consist of only one isolated chemical, because that's not natural!

An industry doesn't have to be evil, just amoral, for catastrophe to be a possible result!

If we have the humility to admit we might be wrong, then we might just...

How do the good guys achieve public support, when the mass media is run by the bad guys?

Many of the people you meet place their faith in nature or in science, but usually not in both.

"Jesus must be your master, or you're going to hell". No thanks, Bro.

We now live in the future, which means we are further along... than we thought!

He stood forward and said: I am the Ruthsgus.

The lies are brilliant in their evil cunning, but don't stand up to scrutiny by the intrepid!

Insiders don't need "innocence", they just need...

If your commitment is to tell the truth as you understand it...

True knowledge is through illumination, not the accumulation of facts.

For the next to go.

Some people live in a twilight state between life and death...

Are any more than 10% of the population interested in the truth, at the cost of undermining...

Anyone who holds strong beliefs outside the norm is considered a cultist or conspiracy theorist.

FREEDOM is realising: While this system works well for me, I wouldn't want it imposed on other people.

When we place our trust for truth in the literature on a matter...

Total control of the society comes from control of government, media, institutions (educational and industrial)...

The media generates the fear and the government offers the solution.

Are alternate realities the hallucinations of a malfunctioning brain?

When people share the same opinion about something they have no real knowledge of...

I oppose tyranny and deception in all its forms!

Cognitive dissonance everywhere, false gods worshiped endlessly!

The average person has no idea what goes on in the world, but pretends otherwise, and the media mollycoddles them...

If our elected officials are poor it's our fault for not paying enough attention...

The difference between having high standards and being a NAZI is that having high standards...

Nobody needs to know everything, we just need to know enough to make the right call on the big issues.

It's a scam, but because it's wrapped up in the officialdom of medicine and science, people accept it.

The second world is amongst us.

If the world insists on destroying you, there may be nothing you can do...

People repeat the same old hype and act like it's something new they've come up with!

What is people's take on the "couchlock" phenomenon?

Most, if not all, markets are affected by government intervention of one form or another!

God puts Himself in all places, at all times, to see what ...

There may be many wonderful inventions just around the corner...

We give people the benefit of the doubt, just as we would hope...

Even if people's beliefs are based on purely fallacious information, the beliefs themselves must be dealt with,

My old kipper used to say "keep it clean and keep it tight"

I think it was old lazyback who said: "you can't stop the memes, nobody can stop the memes"

The notion that there is extra-dimensional input into this world is a conspiracy theory...

There are those who are willing to commit murder, for the sake of convenience...

When the kingdom of heaven opens, it happens now, not in some imaginary future.

Political activists often encounter the stiffest resistance from their family...

Articles of blind faith are based on the trusted notion of “immaculate conception”.

When "free people" make "the wrong choice" their power is taken away from them.

Sometimes some donkey will call you on your shit, but it's best...

Ideally government is there to help people, and give them options...

I would classify chilli as a drug, also sugar, coffee, and cocoa to a lesser degree.

"Waking up" yourself is a crime, but waking up others, as well...

As I began to love myself - CHARLIE CHAPLIN

Those who refuse to accept the authority of man are always a problem for the power elite.

When the earth and the human cultures are in a balanced state...

Some people think mass deception can't be achieved in the modern age...

Darkness mimics light, but can only keep up the facade for a time.

If the body only needs healing, that is not so difficult, but if the mind, too...

Call me crazy, but I think everyone who ever lived...

Hellsville, in simple terms, is regret!

Our strengths are others weaknesses, and visa versa...

Standardisation is seen as progress by those who like uniformity...

It is said there is an established power elite and an aspiring power elite...

The body is intelligent, it knows where to place and withdraw energy for healing to happen!

There's nothing more underground than the truth, and there's nothing more above ground...

Intentionally complexify things, and they tell everybody to "trust the experts"...

Be grateful for what you have, but never lord over others!

Nothing can be fully understood from the outside, instead we must become one with it in consciousness...

Ask yourself: "Are you being loved, or are you being manipulated?"

Time no longer functions as it did, and yet we act like nothing happened.

What causes people to have blind faith? Total trust in authority? Brainwashing? An inability to think clearly?

The hope in everybody's mind is that the regulators are not asleep at the wheel, and that they haven't been bought out!

If you are not receiving conflicting advice about complicated matters...

Trees are protected from wildlife grazing, but not from...

There were 2 worlds that existed side by side...

You here?

It was the ancient 60's when Kennedy was the ruling president.

We can blame the devil, or we can allow ourselves...

Science is changing one thing at a time, and observing the results.

Prophets go door to door, spreading the linear way to heaven.

We can play the blame game or we can focus on our personal power!

Some us still live by Mediterranean standards, closing at 3 pm and reopening @ 9.

When a community is under assault, it closes itself off from the outside.

Humans function best surrounded by nature

How a kidney doctor turned against vaccines - DR. SUZANNE HUMPHRIES

This is the famous God man, Bangdlar Dungleesh.