
We can describe what an allergic reaction looks like, but do we know why...

Evil sometimes hides behind "economic efficiency", and clear-fell logging Is a classic example...

The dark side of the force encourages conflict...

In the spirit world music creates visual architecture that builds up as the music swells...

We are beings of space-time, or at least we are that part...

Time is always available, as is space. They're both always present....

What people call "truth" is usually just their brand of brainwashing program!

The pharmaceutical folks have got people fearing for disease when they feel fine!

In a world of systemic bias, calling for fairness gets you called a radical!

As long as religious and secular cults are not compulsory...

When David Byrne admonished people to "stop making sense"...

Is it naive to think "science" will be allowed to get in the way of business?

When you wake up and see things clearly, you don't need any authority figure...

I think it's better for evil people to be left alive, but contained...

It would be good if TV cameras could follow dead people into the afterlife...

The only skeptics I believe in are the ones who question the existing order!

Is it reasonable to question the existing order or should we just accept it...

The notion that a person must accept all modern technology, or none of it...

Everything eventually becomes "colonised" by the ruling powers

Non-cooperation with the ruling class initially brings on repressive laws...

I suggest people to stay off the drugs and take up outdoor exercise

Never argue with someone who knows more than you do...

When good-natured questions anger people you know they are brainwashed, afraid, and...

You’ll never meet the people behind the real dirty work that gets done in our society. You’ll only meet the minions...

Certain information sources build up our trust over many years, but we can't magically hand that trust...

It's OK to be sick and it's OK to die, it's not a sin, it's just...

I find most scientific experiments to be too narrow to be relevant to my life...

Opposing anything is a very tricky proposition when we live in an attraction based universe

Having a coherent personal philosophy makes us largely immune from social programming

It's not a sin to seek out cures from nature's kingdom, before availing oneself of pharmaceutical solutions!

Parents teach their children "stranger danger" but yet expect them to trust governments and corporations...

Plastic soled shoes unfortunately disconnect us from the energy flow of the earth

I don't mind what consenting adults are willing to subject their bodies to, but I don't like things being forced...

Safely received sunlight is said to be a major component...

To people who hold a position, those who go the hardest against them...

The left and the right accuse each other of intolerance, and of overly simplistic thinking

People babbling about "the one right approach" are cult members to me!

For me, logic trumps conditioning, but for most people logic is just a tool...

Most people are vaccine skeptics although they may be in denial about it

DEL BIGTREE - Why I decided to work with Andrew Wakefield

I am philosophically opposed to ongoing pharmaceutical use

I don't expect others to abide by my health program, just as I have no interest....

God is our witness, I trust when the hammer 🔨 falls...

I don't trust the earthly overlords 💰, hence I am deeply skeptical...

Everything is supposed to mean something... It's very tiring!

Spirit possession is real!

So many things that can be used for good, can also be used...

If you wear a coat of silver, it blinds people...

Everyone goes to heaven, so it's not a problem...

18% of nonsense is still nonsense, though a seemingly meaningful number...

If you suffer from chocolate belly... Eating a pear 🍐 is good!

People are under the mistaken belief that others are obliged to think or act...

I did most of my research in the late 80's, through the nineties, and since then...

People can be strong while climbing the social ladder, but then weaken...

ERIKA LAXIS - Guilt as a destructive energetic code

Physics is about the only science talking about vibration...

I like to think the "dead" are in a better place, and that's what...

Economics is physics for people who are more interested in people than objects

Media and government attention is heavily focused on infectious disease, even if serious cases...

The whole planet is a gift to you, and to anyone or anything living upon it!

If you have no hard feelings for anyone or anything, then you are well!

Be a good person, and allow other people to live in peace!

JASMINE CYBELE WALLER - Purpose and the American dream

MARIAH MAZZA - Natural foods are all we need for health

There are many people claiming to be atheists, living by the dictates of ancient religion...

I’m the jealous master of my brain. I’m disinclined to rent it out to other people...

Social engineering disguised as philanthropy

We live the life we choose for ourselves on the basis of our...

Is government the super ego, or is it the establishment in general?

Everyone now living will soon be dead, so being "big" in this world...

Our world is primarily psychic, and by that I don't mean ghosts, I mean...

The question isn't are vaccines good, the question is...

If something is forbidden, that means it can be done!

There's not much point forbidding things you can't stop people doing!

When you are in the flow you are difficult to upset...

What if the spirit world didn't exist? Then they'd be...

Truth is an exploration not a destination?

They say "inject the people with truth", but what is truth? A substance? An idea?

If people measure you from an ego perspective...

If someone makes you feel bad about who you are, either cut them from your life...

What came first: space and time or matter?

We only seek advice when we need it, we don't seek it...

A lot of people worship in the temple of random, but I believe in cause and effect!

Some people's dream world is a godless technocratic society...

There is danger in us overestimating our knowledge, while underestimating...

It's speciesist to accuse someone of being an alien...

Polarities hate the balanced ones!

"It's complete garbage, it's just a fear campaign."

The magical world where there's freedom in science institutions...

Science is a subset of Philosophy, but there are some who would like...

An expert can be confident about something, and yet be wrong...

We need to realise a condition is not necessarily a disorder

Welcome to your new plane, Mr Prime Minister!

Whichever way we can be controlled, someone will try to do it!

I have conducted quite a bit of analysis in my time, but now is the time...

When someone is certain of something they couldn't possibly know for sure...

People bring conjecture as fact and expect you to believe it!

Are people without children less invested in the future of the world?