
Anything that is COMPULSORY is immoral...

How to reduce childhood sickness

Darkness comes at people in so many different forms...

My picks for US President and UK leader were...

Is it possible to love the free market...

People think what the Illuminati say is truth

The annual flu vaccine push is a naked attempt to measure...

If it's not obvious that circumcision is anti-God...

It is said that an armed population is no match for a modern military...

The liberal talking points are the establishment talking points...

When Julian Assange is released from his two room prison...

The rule is: Don't give help unless people...

The four major sins of Willem.

I tend to believe that dying is much worse for the one's left behind...

Coming to the realisation that what the establishment says is guff...

Bribery, free will and karma

Memes to live and die by

I prefer to source my information from people with a passion for the truth...

Most often it is stress, lack of adequate rest,

Seeing things in black and white is usually a mistake

The free market is best suited to the production and sale...

As they say in the trade, no personality...

The VaccineChoice alliance

Adherents to secular philosophies can still have a...

Shutting down free speech does make a person...

What do we know? International agendas are being pushed...

All we know about the past comes from stories we tell...

William Cooper, with a message for the world

There are people who are convinced of the great merits of the various vaccines available...

The one right way for everyone to live...

Humans are taught disconnection from their feelings. ..

How are more minds changed?

"Scientific medicine" (Pharma) likes to take things that are natural to the earth...

The back is a very interesting structure...

The takeover and running of Facebook and Google...

Google can't own your soul, but they can exercise control...

How can you talk to America?

Telling people their "knowledge" is simply brainwashing...

Big in Texas, apparently

This guys name is Nome

KONOTO: "Master, how does it feel to be right about all things...

Unless science is approached with wisdom, it turns destructive...

In the old days the word "God" was used to mind control the people...

Rethinking cancer - DR LEONARD COLDWELL

If there is enough incentive for deception there will be deception

On both sides of every significant debate...

What is interesting is that many mainstream opinions...

The rational person follows the path of nature, which has timeless principles...

The great cleavage is occurring

I just realized how heavily Wikipedia is in the game of...

There will always be vaccine objectionists...

If you don't subscribe to e$tabli$hment quackery...

Seek with an open mind and a humble heart and you will find...

A lack of faith in vaccines is just a sign of a broader concern...

I blame vaccination, circumcision, and the pushing of other unneccessary medical procedures...

The way "vaxxionists" look at the immune system...

No-one is being forced to have their child receive government injections...

Although the use of military force can be applied inappropriately...

Even the human spine, when x-rayed...

What if the truth is a "ludicrous conspiracy theory "?

The truth may never differ, but people's opinions about it...

Everyone has their own secrets for health and longevity...

The Australian government will pay you $200,000 if you conform to its will...

In a nod to political correctness, Illuminati coalition troops went from calling Arabs...

The law does not come above my personal safety

Ships will appear openly in our skies when it is safe to do so

As important as the nutritional make-up of food is...

When industries get big they often lose their soul

Land not under agriculture or housing & utilities should be under forest...

Just because we've poisoned fish with our noxious industrial wastes doesn't mean we should...

Government health and food policy is being dictated to by the chemical industry in their various fronts...

The healthier the lifestyle you lead, the more powerful a person...

Both sides in the vaccine debate believe the other side is poorly informed...

They talk about “female intuition”, but if a man’s intuition is not also well developed...

A question that many people ask themselves is: where does Illuminati power begin...

I'm against governments pushing unsafe products on the public

When a public figure gets in the way of New World Order policy they turn them into an enemy...

Respect for nature and respect for our own soul goes hand in hand

I came across an angry pro-vaxxer who denied the existence of aborted baby dna in vaccines...

There is a power imbalance in the doctor's office that leaves people vulnerable to being programmed...

"Reptilian" industries have the support of governments

It is wise to not immediately accept claims that are made that relate to things outside our experience

I was told wheat was a drug, and any eater of quality bread...

People have every right to consume all the chemical medicines they like...

When it came to food I was sold a lie...

Obama on flamboyant suit day...

Doctors receive people in a very vulnerable state...

I don't trust the shady men in the background that control governments...

According to reports human clones have been used in public leadership positions...

People who have seen “the plan” say rejoice...

Being skeptical of corporate-driven science doesn’t make someone anti-science...

Medicine brainwashes people who are in a vulnerable state

You are free. Nobody owns you.

People spew industry PR and think they're adding to the discussion

Science can be a friend or adversary depending on how it's used

If the choice is between being a wacky natural health believer...

The 80% raw diet is too much for some people...

The idea that one being created everything in the universe might be wrong...

The battle is between fans of freedom, truth, natural medicine and power to the people...

The teaching and practice of science needs to be compassionate

"No" to vaccine mandates

It’s people’s passion for truth in the face of vigorous opposition...

There are no independent opinions coming from folks who have only been schooled...

MATTHEW WARD - the corruption of vaccines

Erata Prime

The Golden Age of Trump